/baɪ/ |
verb (czasownik) |
infinitive |
to buy |
past tense |
bought |
past participle |
bought |
imperative |
buy |
present participle |
buying |
- kupować
- wystarczyć na zakup
- kupić (dać się na coś nabrać)
Przykładowe użycie słowa buy
You're a shopaholic! You'd buy everything in this store if you could.
Jesteś zakupoholikiem/zakupoholiczką! Kupiłbyś/Kupiłabyś wszystko w tym sklepie gdybyś mógł/mogła!
I want to buy him out. I don't want him as my business partner anymore. We can't agree on anything and that's just harming the company.
Chcę wykupić jego udziały. Nie chcę, żeby był dłużej moim partnerem biznesowym. Nie zgadzamy się ze sobą na żaden temat i działa to tylko na niekorzyść firmy.
John just recently bought a new apartment on Millionaire's Row in Miami.
John kupił ostatnio nowy apartament na Millionaire's Row w Miami.
Whatever you do, don't buy yourself a cat! They're so ungrateful.
Nieważne co zrobisz, nie kupuj sobie kota! One są takie niewdzięczne.
Let's go to the mall and buy those shoes that you wanted. You deserve to have them.
Idź do galerii i kup sobie te buty, które chciałeś/chciałaś. Zasługujesz, żeby je mieć.
Idiomy ze słowem buy
We need to buy ourselves some time.
Musimy grać na zwłokę.
Odmiana słowa buy
Present simple
I |
buy |
We |
buy |
You |
buy |
You |
buy |
He/She/It |
buys |
They |
buy |
I never buy strawberries. My son is allergic to them.
Nigdy nie kupuję truskawek. Mój syn jest na nie uczulony.
She buys herself a sandwich for lunch every day.
Ona codziennie kupuje sobie kanapkę na lunch.
Before you buy anything online, please read the small print on the website, or the Terms and Conditions.
Zanim kupisz coś online, proszę przeczytaj to, co jest napisane małym druczkiem, czyli Warunki na stronie.
Money can't buy me love.
Nie można kupić miłości.
Present continuous
I |
am buying |
We |
are buying |
You |
are buying |
You |
are buying |
He/She/It |
is buying |
They |
are buying |
I'm buying a new computer next week. My old one is so slow!
W następnym tygodniu kupuję nowy komputer. Mój stary komputer jest taki wolny!
We're buying a house in Miami Beach. We've found a great place, right by the beach. It needs some sprucing up, so the price isn't that bad either!
Kupujemy dom na Miami Beach. Znaleźliśmy świetny dom, tuż obok plaży. Trzeba go trochę odnowić, więc cena nie jest taka zła!
Are we buying this TV or not? I'm kind of in a hurry.
Kupujemy ten telewizor czy nie? Trochę się spieszę.
I'm always buying a lot of food and then I end up not eating all of it and I have to throw it away.
Zawsze kupuję dużo jedzenia, potem nie zjadam wszystkiego i muszę je wyrzucić.
Present perfect
I |
have bought |
We |
have bought |
You |
have bought |
You |
have bought |
He/She/It |
has bought |
They |
have bought |
What have you bought recently?
Co ostatnio kupiłeś/kupiłaś?
She's bought a ton of new, designer clothes since she moved to New York.
Kupiła mnóstwo nowych ubrań od projektantów odkąd przeprowadziła się do Nowego Jorku.
Have you bought a gift for your sister's birthday yet?
Czy kupiłeś już prezent na urodziny swojej siostry?
Present perfect continuous
I |
have been buying |
We |
have been buying |
You |
have been buying |
You |
have been buying |
He/She/It |
has been buying |
They |
have been buying |
We have been buying organic food since forever! I don't know why people still fail to understand that you are what you eat.
Kupujemy organiczne jedzenie od zawsze! Nie wiem czemu ludzie nadal nie rozumieją, że jesteś tym, co jesz.
They have been buying fat-free products since last year but they still haven't managed to lose any weight.
Kupują beztłuszczowe produkty od zeszłego roku ale nadal nie udało im się stracić na wadze.
Past simple
I |
bought |
We |
bought |
You |
bought |
You |
bought |
He/She/It |
bought |
They |
bought |
They bought a new house a couple of months ago.
Kilka miesięcy temu kupili nowy dom.
I didn't know you bought a new car. It's beautiful! Is it fast too?
Nie wiedziałem/wiedziałam, że kupiłeś/kupiłaś nowy samochód. Jest piękny! Czy jest też szybki?
Yesterday I bought a dress for my sister's wedding.
Wczoraj kupiłam sukienkę na ślub mojej siostry.
My aunt bought me something for my birthday and it turned out to be a doll. She must have forgotten I'm not 5 years old anymore.
Moja ciocia kupiła mi coś na urodziny i okazało się, że to lalka. Musiała zapomnieć, że nie mam już pięciu lat.
Past continuous
I |
was buying |
We |
were buying |
You |
were buying |
You |
were buying |
He/She/It |
was buying |
They |
were buying |
He was buying some chewing gum in the store on the corner when the shooting started.
Kupował gumę do żucia w sklepiku na rogu kiedy rozpoczęła się strzelanina.
We were buying some furniture when we ran into our old friends.
Kupowaliśmy meble, gdy wpadliśmy na naszych starych znajomych.
Past perfect
I |
had bought |
We |
had bought |
You |
had bought |
You |
had bought |
He/She/It |
had bought |
They |
had bought |
I had never before bought clothes for my husband. I was nervous they wouldn't fit, or worse, that he wouldn't like them. But he loved the shirts that I got him and said that I can shop for him all the time.
Nigdy wcześniej nie kupowałam ubrań dla mojego męża. Denerwowałam się, że nie będą pasowały, albo co gorsza, że mu się nie spodobają. Ale koszule, które mu kupiłam, bardzo mu się spodobały i powiedział, że mogę kupować mu ubrania cały czas.
He had bought me a red bag even though I specifically said I wanted a black one. So he got me another one, but this time in black.
Kupił mi czerwoną torebkę, mimo że dokładnie powiedziałam, że chcę czarną. Więc kupił mi drugą, tym razem czarną.
Past perfect continuous
I |
had been buying |
We |
had been buying |
You |
had been buying |
You |
had been buying |
He/She/It |
had been buying |
They |
had been buying |
We had been buying lots of junk food before they decided to eat a little healthier. Now they only eat unhealthy food on Sundays.
Kupowali dużo niezdrowego jedzenia zanim zdecydowali się zacząć jeść zdrowiej. Teraz jedzą niezdrowe jedzenie tylko w niedziele.
She had been buying expensive clothes before she got fired from her job. Now she can't afford it.
Zanim została zwolniona, kupowała drogie ubrania. Teraz nie może sobie na to pozwolić.
Future simple
I |
will buy |
We |
will buy |
You |
will buy |
You |
will buy |
He/She/It |
will buy |
They |
will buy |
I doubt we will ever buy anything from him ever again.
Wątpię, że kiedykolwiek jeszcze coś od niego kupimy.
Will this money buy them a new apartment?
Czy te pieniądze wystarczą im na zakup nowego mieszkania?
Future continuous
I |
will be buying |
We |
will be buying |
You |
will be buying |
You |
will be buying |
He/She/It |
will be buying |
They |
will be buying |
We will be buying a new car next year. We're not sure what kind yet, maybe a Honda? Or a Toyota? Or maybe something more American, like a Chrysler.
Za rok będziemy kupowali nowy samochód. Nie jesteśmy jeszcze pewni jaki, może Hondę? Albo Toyotę? Albo coś bardziej amerykańskiego, jak Chrysler.
They will be buying their daughter a house. She lost her previous house in a fire and they've decided to help her out.
Będą kupowali swojej córce dom. Jej poprzedni dom spłonął i postanowili jej pomóc.
Future perfect
I |
will have bought |
We |
will have bought |
You |
will have bought |
You |
will have bought |
He/She/It |
will have bought |
They |
will have bought |
By 2020 we will have bought ten new investment properties.
Przed 2020, kupimy dziesięć nowych nieruchomości inwestycyjnych.
By next month we will have bought every type of candy from this candy shop.
Do końca miesiąca kupimy już każdy rodzaj słodyczy z tego sklepu ze słodyczami.
Future perfect continuous
I |
will have been buying |
We |
will have been buying |
You |
will have been buying |
You |
will have been buying |
He/She/It |
will have been buying |
They |
will have been buying |
By next month, we will have been buying a house for over two years. It's just so hard to decide which one we really like.
Za miesiąc będzie już dwa lata odkąd kupujemy dom. Tak ciężko zdecydować, który nam się podoba.
By the end of this year, he will have been buying an engagement ring for over a month. He wants to pick the perfect one for his fiancée.
Do końca roku będzie miesiąc odkąd on kupuje pierścionek zaręczynowy. Chce wybrać idealny pierścionek dla swojej narzeczonej.
Conditional tenses
Present conditional: affirmative
I |
would buy |
We |
would buy |
You |
would buy |
You |
would buy |
He/She/It |
would buy |
They |
would buy |
I would buy new pants if I were you.
Na twoim miejscu kupiłbym/kupiłabym nowe spodnie.
If I only had more money, I would buy my own car.
Gdybym tylko miał/miała więcej pieniędzy, kupiłbym/kupiłabym swój własny samochód.
Present conditional: negative
I |
would not buy |
We |
would not buy |
You |
would not buy |
You |
would not buy |
He/She/It |
would not buy |
They |
would not buy |
I would not buy that lamp if I were you. It's ugly and it won't look good in your apartment.
Na twoim miejscu nie kupowałbym/kupowałabym tej lampy. Jest brzydka i nie będzie dobrze wyglądała w twoim mieszkaniu.
I wouldn't buy anything if I were her. She really needs to save up.
Na jej miejscu nic bym nie kupował/kupowała. Ona naprawdę musi oszczędzać.
Present conditional: interrogative
I |
Would I buy…? |
We |
Would we buy…? |
You |
Would you buy…? |
You |
Would you buy…? |
He/She/It |
Would he/she/it buy…? |
They |
Would they buy…? |
Would you buy a cat if I asked you to?
Czy kupiłbyś/kupiłabyś kota gdybym cię o to poprosił/poprosiła?
Would you buy your daughter a Playstation if they were on sale?
Czy kupiłbyś/kupiłabyś swojej córce Playstation gdyby było na wyprzedaży?
Would you buy something you don't need if you had more money?
Czy kupiłbyś/kupiłabyś coś, czego nie potrzebujesz gdybyś miał/miała więcej pieniędzy?
Present continuous conditional: affirmative
I |
would be buying |
We |
would be buying |
You |
would be buying |
You |
would be buying |
He/She/It |
would be buying |
They |
would be buying |
We would be buying a new apartment right now if hadn't gotten fired.
Kupowalibyśmy teraz nowe mieszkanie gdybym nie został/została zwolniona.
I was told we would be buying furniture for the office, not electronic equipment.
Powiedziano mi, że będziemy kupować meble do biura, nie urządzenia elektroniczne.
Present continuous conditional: negative
I |
would not be buying |
We |
would not be buying |
You |
would not be buying |
You |
would not be buying |
He/She/It |
would not be buying |
They |
would not be buying |
He would not be buying this engagement ring if his parents hadn't chipped in.
Nie kupowałby tego pierścionka zaręczynowego gdyby nie dołożyli się do niego jego rodzice.
They would not be buying this house if they hadn't won the lottery.
Nie kupowaliby tego domu gdyby nie wygrali na loterii.
Present continuous conditional: interrogative
I |
Would I be buying…? |
We |
Would we be buying…? |
You |
Would you be buying…? |
You |
Would you be buying…? |
He/She/It |
Would he/she/it be buying…? |
They |
Would they be buying…? |
Would you be buying a new phone if you old one hadn't fallen off the roof?
Czy kupowałbys/kupowałabyś nowy telefon gdyby twój poprzedni nie spadł z dachu?
Would he be buying plane tickets right now if his wife hadn't left him?
Czy kupowałby teraz bilety lotnicze gdyby jego żona go nie zostawiła?
Perfect conditional: affirmative
I |
would have bought |
We |
would have bought |
You |
would have bought |
You |
would have bought |
He/She/It |
would have bought |
They |
would have bought |
We would have bought you a gift but we didn't know what you wanted.
Kupilibyśmy Ci prezent ale nie wiedzieliśmy co chciałbyś/chciałabyś dostać.
Perfect conditional: negative
I |
would not have bought |
We |
would not have bought |
You |
would not have bought |
You |
would not have bought |
He/She/It |
would not have bought |
They |
would not have bought |
I would not have bought this shirt if I had know if was made of polyester. I prefer cotton shirts.
Nie kupiłbym/kupiłabym tej koszuli gdybym wiedział/wiedziała, że jest z poliestru. Wolę bawełniane koszule.
Perfect conditional: interrogative
I |
Would I have bought…? |
We |
Would we have bought…? |
You |
Would you have bought…? |
You |
Would you have bought…? |
He/She/It |
Would he/she/it have bought…? |
They |
Would they have bought…? |
Would you have bought this car if you had known that it would have so many mechanical failures?
Czy kupiłbyś/kupiłabyś ten samochód gdybyś wiedział, że ma tyle usterek mechanicznych?
Perfect continuous conditional: affirmative
I |
would have been buying |
We |
would have been buying |
You |
would have been buying |
You |
would have been buying |
He/She/It |
would have been buying |
They |
would have been buying |
We would have been buying a motorcycle that summerif my wife's sister hadn't died in a car crash a couple of months before.
Kupowalibyśmy tego lata motocykl gdyby siostra żony nie zginęła w wypadku kilka miesięcy wcześniej.
Perfect continuous conditional: negative
I |
would not have been buying |
We |
would not have been buying |
You |
would not have been buying |
You |
would not have been buying |
He/She/It |
would not have been buying |
They |
would not have been buying |
We would not have been buying ice cream for so many years had we known it was so bad for your health.
Nie kupowalibyśmy lodów przez tyle lat gdybyśmy wiedzieli, że są niezdrowe.
Perfect continuous conditional: interrogative
I |
Would I have been buying…? |
We |
Would we have been buying…? |
You |
Would you have been buying…? |
You |
Would you have been buying…? |
He/She/It |
Would he/she/it have been buying…? |
They |
Would they have been buying…? |
Would he have been buying cigarettes for his daughter all these years if he had known she was going to get lung cancer?
Czy kupowałby papierosy swojej córce przez tyle lat gdyby wiedział, że zachoruje na raka płuc?
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