

verb (czasownik)
infinitive to bring
past tense brought
past participle brought
imperative bring
present participle bringing
  1. przynosić, przywozić
  2. wywoływać (łzy, uśmiech)
  3. przyciągać, sprowadzać

Przykładowe użycie słowa bring


Chop up the onions. In the meantime, bring the water to a boil.

Pokrój cebule. W międzyczasie ugotuj wodę.

We brought in an audit firm as soon as we found out there were discrepancies in the books.

Sprowadziliśmy firmę audytorską kiedy tylko dowiedzieliśmy się, że w księgach są jakieś nieścisłości.

Years of drought brought significant poverty to the area, as the people lived mostly off of the land.

Lata suszy przyniosły regionowi ubóstwo, gdyż większość ludzi żyło głównie z uprawy ziemi.

I just can't bring myself to call her. I know it was just a stupid fight, over something extremely insignificant, but the thing is, the moment we stopped talking to each other, I realized how dependent on her I've become over the years.

Nie mogę zmusić się żeby do niej zadzwonić. Wiem, że to była tylko głupia kłótnia o coś mało ważnego, ale chodzi o to, że w momencie, w którym przestaliśmy ze sobą rozmawiać, zdałem sobie sprawę jak bardzo stałem się od niej zależny przez te wszystkie lata.

He brought that up? Unbelievable. He promised he wouldn't say anything!

On o tym wspomniał? Niewiarygodne. Obiecał, że nic nie powie!

Should I bring my laptop with me? Will we have any time to work?

Czy powinnam wziąć laptopa? Czy będziemy mieć czas, żeby popracować?

Idiomy ze słowem bring


My integrity was brought into question.

Moja uczciwość została zakwestionowana.

He brings out the worst in me.

On wyzwala we mnie najgorsze cechy i zachowania.

My husband brings home the bacon.

Mój mąż jest żywicielem rodziny.

You think you can beat me? Bring it on!

Myślisz że mnie pokonasz? Dawaj!

Tell me, what brings you here?

Powiedz mi, co cię tu sprowadza?

His words brought me to tears. But, it wasn't his fault. A lot of things bring me to tears lately.

Jego słowa sprawiły, że zaczęłam płakać. Ale to nie była jego wina. Wiele rzeczy doprowadza mnie ostatnio do łez.

Odmiana słowa bring


Present simple
I bring We bring
You bring You bring
He/She/It brings They bring

Do you want me to bring anything to the party? A salad maybe? I also make a fantastic beet and parsnip dip.

Chcesz, żebym przyniósł/przyniosła coś na imprezę? Może sałatkę? Robię też świetny dip z buraków i pasternaku.

I didn't bring any pajamas with me. Do you have a T-shirt I could borrow?

Nie wziąłem/wzięłam ze sobą żadnej piżamy. Czy masz jakiś T-shirt, który mógłbym/mogłabym pożyczyć?

Does it really matter which cake I bring?

Czy to ma jakieś znaczenie jakie ciasto przyniosę?

Present continuous
I am bringing We are bringing
You are bringing You are bringing
He/She/It is bringing They are bringing

I think I'm bringing my laptop. I know I said I wouldn't work this weekend, but I just need to finish this one little thing.

Chyba biorę laptopa. Wiem, że powiedziałem/powiedziałam, że nie będę pracować w ten weekend, ale potrzebuję skończyć jedną małą rzecz.

You're not bringing that with you. Over my dead body!

Nie bierzesz tego ze sobą. Po moim trupie!

Present perfect
I have brought We have brought
You have brought You have brought
He/She/It has brought They have brought

I've brought some toys with me so that the kids would have something to do at the beach.

Wziąłem/Wzięłam ze sobą kilka zabawek żeby dzieci miały co robić na plaży.

Have you ever brought a talisman with you to a job interview?

Czy kiedykolwiek wziąłeś/wzięłaś ze sobą talizman na rozmowę o pracę?

Present perfect continuous
I have been bringing We have been bringing
You have been bringing You have been bringing
He/She/It has been bringing They have been bringing

He has been bringing cookies to work for the past week.

Przez ostatni tydzień on przynosi do pracy ciasteczka.

She has been bringing him drinks all evening. Why is she even dating that guy? He treats her like his servant.

Ona przynosi mu drinki cały wieczór. Czemu ona w ogóle się z nim spotyka? On traktuje ją jak swoją służącą.

Past simple
I brought We brought
You brought You brought
He/She/It brought They brought

They miraculously brought him back to life. I have no idea how they did that.

Jakimś cudem przywrócili mu życie. Nie mam pojęcia jak to zrobili.

She brought her younger sister along.

Zabrała ze sobą siostrę.

Charges were brought against the officers who participated in the fight.

Przeciwko funkcjonariuszom, którzy uczestniczyli w bójce zostały wniesione oskarżenia.

Past continuous
I was bringing We were bringing
You were bringing You were bringing
He/She/It was bringing They were bringing

I though Emma was bringing the chips.

Myślałam, że Emma przynosi chipsy.

Past perfect
I had brought We had brought
You had brought You had brought
He/She/It had brought They had brought

I wish I had brought my camera with me! This is such a breathtaking view!

Żałuję, że nie wziąłem/wzięłam ze sobą aparatu. Ten widok zapiera dech w piersiach!

Past perfect continuous
I had been bringing We had been bringing
You had been bringing You had been bringing
He/She/It had been bringing They had been bringing

I recently found you that he had been bringing them food for the past month.

Ostatnio dowiedziałem/dowiedziałam się, że on przynosił im jedzenie przez cały poprzedni miesiąc.

It turned out that he had been bringing his teddy bear to school all along. That's why the other children were making fun of him during recess.

Okazało się, że on przynosił swojego misia do szkoły przez cały ten czas. Dlatego inne dzieci śmiały się z niego podczas przerwy.

Future simple
I will bring We will bring
You will bring You will bring
He/She/It will bring They will bring

I'll bring some cassettes if you can find a cassette player.

Przyniosę jakieś kasety jeśli uda ci się znaleźć odtwarzacz.

Don't worry about anything. We'll bring you everything you need.

Niczym się nie martw. Przyniesiemy ci wszystko, czego potrzebujesz.

Let's see what tomorrow will bring.

Zobaczmy co przyniesie jutro.

Creating an original website will surely bring you more customers.

Stworzenie oryginalnej strony internetowej na pewno przyniesie ci więcej klientów.

Future continuous
I will be bringing We will be bringing
You will be bringing You will be bringing
He/She/It will be bringing They will be bringing

Make a list of things you will be bringing to the new apartment.

Zrób listę rzeczy, które będziesz zabierać do nowego mieszkania.

I will be bringing charges. I'm sorry, but I just can't let this go.

Będę wnosić oskarżenia. Przepraszam, ale nie mogę po prostu odpuścić.

McDonalds will be bringing its innovative ordering system to Poland.

McDonalds będzie wprowadzał swój innowacyjny system zamówień do Polski.

There's rumors that Apple will be bringing back some of their most popular products.

Chodzą plotki, że Apple będzie przywracał niektóre ze swoich najbardziej popularnych produktów.

Future perfect
I will have brought We will have brought
You will have brought You will have brought
He/She/It will have brought They will have brought

By 2030 the so-called fourth industrial revolution will have brought us artificial intelligence and advanced robotics.

Przed 2030 rokiem tzw. czwarta rewolucja przemysłowa przyniesie nam sztuczną inteligencję i zaawansowaną robotykę.

By the first of next month we will have brought more than ten million troops to the Middle East.

Przed pierwszym następnego miesiąca sprowadzimy ponad 10 milionów oddziałów wojskowych na Bliski Wschód.

If we can achieve all of our goals, we will have brought new technology to the poorest regions of the world by 2020.

Jeśli uda nam się osiągnąć nasze cele, do 2020 wprowadzimy najnowsze technologie do najbiedniejszych regionów.

Hopefully, by the time our work here is done, we will have brought some significant change to the area.

Mam nadzieję, że kiedy wykonamy już swoją pracę, przyniesie to temu regionowi znaczną zmianę.

Future perfect continuous
I will have been bringing We will have been bringing
You will have been bringing You will have been bringing
He/She/It will have been bringing They will have been bringing

By next year, I will have been bringing them food for over a decade.

Do końca roku, będę przynosił/przynosiła im jedzenie przez ponad dekadę.

Conditional tenses


Present conditional: affirmative
I would bring We would bring
You would bring You would bring
He/She/It would bring They would bring

Some believe that military service would bring people together.

Niektórzy uważają, że służba wojskowa zbliżyłaby ludzi do siebie.

Signing the agreement would bring significant change to the area.

Podpisanie porozumienia przyniosłoby regionowi znaczną zmianę.

I thought losing weight would bring me joy, but I was very wrong. I've been on a diet for the past five years, which basically means that I've been hungry for the past five years. I've gone to fantastic restaurants, where all I'd order was a salad and a jug of water. I've lost over 70 pounds since I started dieting and honestly, I'm done. I just want to eat what everyone else eats and have some chocolate from time to time!

Myślałam/Myślałem, że odchudzanie przyniesie mi radość, ale bardzo się myliłem/myliłam. Jestem na diecie od 5 lat, co w sumie oznacza, że od 5 lat jestem głodny/głodna. Bywałem/Bywałam w fantastycznych restauracjach, gdzie zamawiałem/zamawiałam sałatkę i dzbanek wody. Straciłem/Straciłam ponad 70 funtów odkąd zacząłem/zaczęłam się odchudzać i szczerze, mam dosyć. Chcę po prostu jeść to, co wszyscy i pozwolić sobie czasem na czekoladę!

I would bring a jacket if I were you.

Na twoim miejscu wziąłbym/wzięłąbym kurtkę.

Present conditional: negative
I would not bring We would not bring
You would not bring You would not bring
He/She/It would not bring They would not bring

I would not bring that if I were you.

Na twoim miejscu bym tego nie zabierała.

He tried to explain to me that this investment would not bring me any money.

Próbowałam mi wyjaśnić, że ta inwestycja nie przyniesie mi żadnych pieniędzy.

Admitting to the crime would not bring him peace.

Przyznanie się do zbrodni nie przyniosłoby mu spokoju.

Present conditional: interrogative
I Would I bring…? We Would we bring…?
You Would you bring…? You Would you bring…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it bring…? They Would they bring…?

Would you bring a gun to a public place?

Czy wziąłbyś/wzięłabyś pistolet w miejsce publiczne?

Would you bring your baby to work if the babysitter didn't show up? Or would you call in sick?

Czy wziąłbyś/wzięłabyś dziecko do pracy gdyby opiekunka nie przyszła? Czy zadzwoniłbyś/zadzwoniłabyś, że jesteś chory/chora?

Would you bring up the topic of homosexual marriages during a family event?

Czy wspomniałbyś/wspomniałabyś o temacie małżeństw homoseksualnych na spotkaniu rodzinnym?

Present continuous conditional: affirmative
I would be bringing We would be bringing
You would be bringing You would be bringing
He/She/It would be bringing They would be bringing

McDonalds recently announced that it would be bringing over 1000 new jobs to the area.

McDonalds ostatnio ogłosił, że utworzy ponad 1000 nowych miejsc pracy w regionie.

A loose immigration policy would only benefit us, as the immigrants would be bringing with them significant know-how.

Luźna polityka imigracyjna przyniosłaby same korzyści, jako że imigranci przynosiliby ze sobą istotne know-how.

During my whole pregnancy I was convinced that I was having twins. It was only at the hospital that I found out that I would be bringing back home three newborns instead of two. The doctor said that with multiple pregnancies mistakes like this sometimes happen.

Przez całą moją ciąże myślałam, że będę mieć bliźniaki. Dopiero w szpitalu dowiedziałam się, że wrócę do domu z trzema noworodkami zamiast z dwoma. Lekarz powiedział, że w przypadku mnogich ciąż, takie pomyłki czasami się zdarzają.

He said that next week he would be bringing his assistant to Paris. Apparently he needs her help during the meetings.

Powiedział, że w przyszłym tygodniu zabierze swoją asystentkę do Paryża. Najwidoczniej potrzebuje jej pomocy podczas spotkań.

Present continuous conditional: negative
I would not be bringing We would not be bringing
You would not be bringing You would not be bringing
He/She/It would not be bringing They would not be bringing

Coca-Cola announced that it would not be bringing charges against Pepsi.

Coca-Cola ogłosiła, że nie będzie wnosić oskarżeń przeciwko Pepsi.

I decided I would not be bringing my fiance along with me. It wasn't an easy decision, but I felt like our relationship was coming to an end anyway. He was so preoccupied with his work, we were barely spending any time together. That wasn't the kind of relationship I wanted to be in.

Zdecydowała, że nie będę zabierać ze sobą mojego narzeczonego. To nie była łatwa decyzja, ale czułam, że nasz związek tak czy inaczej zbliża się do końca. On był tak zajęty pracą, że prawie nie spędzaliśmy czasu razem. To nie był związek, w którym chciałam być.

Present continuous conditional: interrogative
I Would I be bringing…? We Would we be bringing…?
You Would you be bringing…? You Would you be bringing…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it be bringing…? They Would they be bringing…?

Would I be bringing my own equipment or would some be provided on the spot?

Czy będę musiał/musiała przynieść swój własny sprzęt czy będzie on zapewniony na miejscu?

Would we be bringing the soft drinks or would they?

Napoje będziemy przynosić my czy oni?

Perfect conditional: affirmative
I would have brought We would have brought
You would have brought You would have brought
He/She/It would have brought They would have brought

I would have brought an umbrella with me if I had know if was going to rain.

Wziąłbym/Wzięłabym ze sobą parasol gdybym wiedział/wiedziała, że będzie padało.

He would have brought more ketchup had he known it was going to be the only condiment the Smith family ate.

Przyniósłby więcej ketchupu gdyby wiedział, że to jedyny dodatek jaki je rodzina Smithów.

Perfect conditional: negative
I would not have brought We would not have brought
You would not have brought You would not have brought
He/She/It would not have brought They would not have brought

He would not have brought all of those clothes with him if he didn't want to stay here for longer.

Nie wziąłby ze sobą tych wszystkich ubrań gdyby nie chciał tu zostać dłużej.

We would not have brought our dog with us if we had known that you were allergic to animal hair.

Nie wzięlibyśmy ze sobą psa gdybyśmy wiedzieli, że jesteś uczulony/uczulona na sierść zwierząt.

Perfect conditional: interrogative
I Would I have brought…? We Would we have brought…?
You Would you have brought…? You Would you have brought…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it have brought…? They Would they have brought…?

Would you have brought your brother along with you if you had known that he would start a fight?

Czy zabrałbyś/zabrałabyś ze sobą brata gdybyś wiedział/wiedziała, że zacznie bójkę?

Perfect continuous conditional: affirmative
I would have been bringing We would have been bringing
You would have been bringing You would have been bringing
He/She/It would have been bringing They would have been bringing

I would have been bringing my brother along to parties all the time if I had known he had no friends of his own.

Zabierałabym/Zabierałabym mojego brata na imprezy cały czas, gdybym wiedział/wiedziała, że nie ma żadnych znajomych.

She would have been bringing healthy food to school when she was young if she had known unhealthy food would make her so obese.

Przynosiłaby zdrowe jedzenie do szkoły kiedy była młoda gdyby wiedziała, że niezdrowe jedzenie doprowadzi ją do otyłości.

Perfect continuous conditional: negative
I would not have been bringing We would not have been bringing
You would not have been bringing You would not have been bringing
He/She/It would not have been bringing They would not have been bringing

He would not have been bringing you medication if he didn't think you really needed it.

Nie przynosiłby twoich leków gdyby nie myślał, że ich potrzebujesz.

Perfect continuous conditional: interrogative
I Would I have been bringing…? We Would we have been bringing…?
You Would you have been bringing…? You Would you have been bringing…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it have been bringing…? They Would they have been bringing…?

Would I have been bringing you food if I didn't enjoy your company?

Czy przynosiłbym/przynosiłabym ci jedzenie gdybym nie lubił/lubiła twojego towarzystwa?

Would he have been bringing you flowers for no reason if he hadn't done anything bad?

Czy przynosiłby ci kwiaty bez powodu gdyby nie zrobił czegoś złego?

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