

verb (czasownik)
infinitive to appear
past tense appeared
past participle appeared
imperative appear
present participle appearing
  1. wydawać się, jawić się, wyglądać
  2. pojawiać się
  3. wyglądać na coś
  4. sprawiać wrażenie (jakiegoś)

Przykładowe użycie słowa appear


He failed to appear in court.

Nie stawił się w sądzie.

He appeared out of nowhere!

On pojawił się znikąd!

It appears that you're failing your first semester.

Wygląda na to, że nie dajesz sobie rady na pierwszym semestrze.

Idiomy ze słowem appear


They appeared out of thin air.

Pojawili się znikąd.

Odmiana słowa appear


Present simple
I appear We appear
You appear You appear
He/She/It appears They appear

She appears to be in distress.

Wydaje się zmartwiona.

It appears to me that this job is not a very good fit for you. Maybe you should try finding something else?

Wygląda mi na to, że ta praca nie jest dla ciebie dobra. Może powinieneś/powinnaś znaleźć coś innego?

Instagram influencers appear in many advertisements. This is how they make a living.

Instagramowi influencerzy pojawiają się w wielu reklamach. W ten sposób zarabiają na życie.

Nothing is ever as it first appears.

Nic nie jest takie, jakie wydaje się na początku.

Present continuous
I am appearing We are appearing
You are appearing You are appearing
He/She/It is appearing They are appearing

I'm appearing in a commercial next week.

Za tydzień pojawię się w reklamie.

She's always suddenly appearing behind my back and scaring me. This isn't funny anymore!

Ona zawsze pojawia się niespodziewanie za mną i mnie straszy. To już nie jest śmieszne!

They're constantly appearing on TV. Everyone is already fed up with them.

Oni ciągle pojawiają się w telewizji. Każdy ma już ich dość.

Present perfect
I have appeared We have appeared
You have appeared You have appeared
He/She/It has appeared They have appeared

Out of all the places where she could have appeared in, did it have to be a sitcom?

Ze wszystkich miejsc, w których mogła się pojawić, musiał to być sitcom?

Even though she's young, Jennifer Lawrence has already appeared in many Hollywood movies.

Mimo że jest młoda, Jennifer Lawrence pojawiła się już w wielu hollywoodzkich filmach.

Has he appeared at the party?

Czy pojawił się na imprezie?

They have appeared here many times and yet they're still lying about not having visited this place.

Pojawiali się tutaj wiele razy a mimo to nadal kłamią, że nigdy tu nie byli.

Present perfect continuous
I have been appearing We have been appearing
You have been appearing You have been appearing
He/She/It has been appearing They have been appearing

James has been appearing in many TV series since 2006.

James pojawiał się w wielu serialach od 2006 roku.

Aliens have been appearing in many places on Earth since I can remember. Nobody ever proved they exist though.

Kosmici pojawiali się w wielu miejscach na Ziemi odkąd pamiętam. Nikt jednak nigdy nie udowodnił że istnieją.

Past simple
I appeared We appeared
You appeared You appeared
He/She/It appeared They appeared

To everyone's surprise, they both appeared at the party and announced they're officially a couple.

Ku zdziwieniu wszystkich, oni oboje pojawili się na imprezie i oficjalnie ogłosili, że są parą.

Last night a ghost appeared in my room! I swear I'm not lying!

Zeszłej nocy w moim pokoju pojawił się duch! Przysięgam, nie kłamię!

The mugger appeared out of nowhere, pointed a gun at him and demanded money.

Rabuś pojawił się znikąd, wycelował w niego pistolet i zażądał pieniędzy.

It appeared to him that he was trapped and there was no one who could help him.

Wydawało mu się, że jest w pułapce i nikt nie może mu pomóc.

Past continuous
I was appearing We were appearing
You were appearing You were appearing
He/She/It was appearing They were appearing

They said he was appearing in court the next day, but we knew it was a lie.

Powiedzieli, że on ma stawić się w sądzie następnego dnia, ale wiedzieliśmy, że to kłamstwo.

When the musical was appearing in theaters I was only 15.

Kiedy musical był wystawiany w teatrze miałem/miałam tylko 15 lat.

Past perfect
I had appeared We had appeared
You had appeared You had appeared
He/She/It had appeared They had appeared

Before Angelina starred in Mr. & Mrs. Smith, she had already appeared in other movies.

Zanim Angelina zagrała w Mr. & Mrs. Smith, pojawiła się już w innych filmach.

They had appeared reserved to us before we got to know them.

Wydawali się nam skryci zanim ich poznaliśmy.

He had appeared in many music videos before he became a star himself.

Pojawił się w wielu teledyskach zanim sam stał się gwiazdą.

He had always appeared rude to me but it turned out he was just shy.

Zawsze wydawał mi się nieuprzejmy, ale okazało się, że po prostu jest nieśmiały.

Past perfect continuous
I had been appearing We had been appearing
You had been appearing You had been appearing
He/She/It had been appearing They had been appearing

She had been appearing in this soap opera for a few years before she decided to give it up and retire.

Grała w operze mydlanej przez kilka lat zanim zdecydowała się zrezygnować i przejść na emeryturę.

Anonymous threats had been appearing in the missing children's parents' mailbox for a month before Sue and Josh disappeared.

W skrzynce rodziców zaginionych dzieci pojawiały się anonimowe pogróżki przez miesiąc przed zniknięciem Sue i Johna.

Future simple
I will appear We will appear
You will appear You will appear
He/She/It will appear They will appear

Just call out her name and she will appear.

Po prostu ją zawołaj a ona się pojawi.

Did you hear that Eminem will appear on The Tonight Show?

Słyszałeś/Słyszałaś, że Eminem pojawi się w The Tonight Show?

Please pay attention now. These questions will appear on your final exam.

Proszę teraz uważać. Te pytania pojawią się na waszym egzaminie końcowym.

Be patient, new merchandise will appear on our website shortly.

Cierpliwości, nowy towar pojawi się na naszej stronie w najbliższym czasie.

Future continuous
I will be appearing We will be appearing
You will be appearing You will be appearing
He/She/It will be appearing They will be appearing

It's been confirmed that the actor will be appearing in season two of the popular show.

Potwierdzono, że aktor pojawi się w drugim sezonie popularnego serialu.

You'd better memorize these grammar rules as they will often be appearing during our course.

Lepiej zapamiętaj te zasady gramatyczne, bo będą często pojawiały się w trakcie naszego kursu.

It's rumored that she'll be appearing on the next Fashion Week as a model.

Plotki głoszą, że ona pojawi się na następnym Tygodniu Mody jako modelka.

Future perfect
I will have appeared We will have appeared
You will have appeared You will have appeared
He/She/It will have appeared They will have appeared

By the end of this year, she will have appeared in more than 20 Hollywood productions. Her career is developing really fast!

Do końca roku ona pojawi się w ponad 20 hollywoodzkich produkcjach. Jej kariera rozwija się bardzo szybko!

Soon they will have appeared in TV more than 30 times! I've always known they are going to be successful!

Niedługo będzie już trzydziesty raz jak pojawiają się w telewizji! Zawsze wiedziałem/wiedziałam, że osiągną sukces!

Future perfect continuous
I will have been appearing We will have been appearing
You will have been appearing You will have been appearing
He/She/It will have been appearing They will have been appearing

In December you will have been appearing in movies for over 30 years! Every actor dreams of celebrating such anniversary one day.

W grudniu będzie 30 lat odkąd występujesz w filmach! Każdy aktor marzy o obchodzeniu takiej rocznicy.

Conditional tenses


Present conditional: affirmative
I would appear We would appear
You would appear You would appear
He/She/It would appear They would appear

I would appear at the party if I didn't have to be at work at the same time.

Pojawiłbym/Pojawiłabym się na imprezie gdybym nie musiał/musiała być w tym samym czasie w pracy.

The actress would appear in the movie if she hadn't been involved in that scandal.

Aktorka pojawiłaby się w filmie gdyby nie była zamieszana w ten skandal.

If I didn't know the truth it would appear to me that he's lying. His voice is shaking and he looks nervous.

Gdybym nie znał/znała prawdy, wydawałoby mi się, że on kłamie. Łamie mu się głos i wygląda na zdenerwowanego.

Present conditional: negative
I would not appear We would not appear
You would not appear You would not appear
He/She/It would not appear They would not appear

I wouldn't appear rude to people if I smiled more often.

Nie wydawałbym/wydawałabym się ludziom niemiły/niemiła, gdybym uśmiechał/uśmiechała się częściej.

I wouldn't appear at this boring event if you hadn't asked me to accompany you.

Nie pojawiłbym/pojawiłabym się na tym nudnym wydarzeniu, gdybyś nie poprosił/poprosiła żebym Ci towarzyszył/towarzyszyła.

I wouldn't appear on a gala dressed like her if I were a huge celebrity. Who designed this awful dress?

Nie pojawiłbym/pojawiłabym się na gali ubrana tak jak ona gdybym był/była wielką gwiazdą. Kto zaprojektował tę okropną sukienkę?

Present conditional: interrogative
I Would I appear…? We Would we appear…?
You Would you appear…? You Would you appear…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it appear…? They Would they appear…?

Would politicians appear more trustworthy to the public if they were involved in charity work?

Czy politycy wydawaliby się ludziom bardziej godni zaufania gdyby byli zaangażowani w działalność charytatywną?

Would you appear in a toilet paper commercial if they paid you $1000?

Czy wystąpiłbyś/wystąpiłabyś w reklamie papieru toaletowego gdyby zapłacili Ci 1000 dolarów?

Would she appear on a cover of magazine if she was famous?

Czy pojawiłaby się na okładce magazynu gdyby była sławna?

Present continuous conditional: affirmative
I would be appearing We would be appearing
You would be appearing You would be appearing
He/She/It would be appearing They would be appearing

If he hadn't been arrested and put in jail he would still be appearing in movies and TV series.

Gdyby nie został aresztowany i skazany na karę więzienia, nadal pojawiałby się w filmach i serialach.

Anna would be appearing on a red carpet this season if she weren't pregnant.

Anna pojawiłaby się w tym sezonie na czerwonym dywanie gdyby nie była w ciąży.

If you had become an actor, you would be appearing in commercials now just to make a living. This profession is not as great as you think it is.

Gdybyś został aktorem, pojawiałbyś się teraz w reklamach żeby mieć za co żyć. Ten zawód nie jest tak wspaniały jak myślisz.

Present continuous conditional: negative
I would not be appearing We would not be appearing
You would not be appearing You would not be appearing
He/She/It would not be appearing They would not be appearing

The ghost wouldn't be appearing if we had purified the house with sage.

Duch nie pojawiałby się gdybyśmy wcześniej oczyścili dom szałwią.

She would not be appearing in designer outfits at galas if she were as poor as she says she is.

Nie pojawiałaby się na galach w stroju od projektanta gdyby rzeczywiście była tak biedna jak mówi, że jest.

Present continuous conditional: interrogative
I Would I be appearing…? We Would we be appearing…?
You Would you be appearing…? You Would you be appearing…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it be appearing…? They Would they be appearing…?

Would you be appearing in such revealing clothes at family events if you were her?

Czy na jej miejscu nosiłbyś/nosiłabyś takie odsłaniające ciało ubrania na spotkania rodzinne?

Would he be "accidentally" appearing here every week if he didn't want to see you?

Czy pojawiałby się tutaj "przypadkowo" co tydzień gdyby nie chciał cię zobaczyć?

Would they be appearing in a court if they weren't witnesses?

Czy pojawialiby się w sądzie gdyby nie byli świadkami?

Perfect conditional: affirmative
I would have appeared We would have appeared
You would have appeared You would have appeared
He/She/It would have appeared They would have appeared

They would have appeared at our wedding if their flight hadn't been canceled.

Pojawiliby się na naszym weselu gdyby ich lot nie został odwołany.

I would have appeared more professional to my potential employer at the job interview if I had worn more elegant clothes.

Na rozmowie o pracę wydałbym/wydałabym się potencjalnemu pracodawcy bardziej profesjonalny/profesjonalna gdybym ubrał/ubrała się bardziej elegancko.

It would have appeared strange to me if he had lied about his whereabouts. Why didn't you check his alibi?

Wydawałoby mi się to dziwne gdyby skłamał gdzie wtedy był. Dlaczego nie sprawdziłeś/sprawdziłaś jego alibi?

Perfect conditional: negative
I would not have appeared We would not have appeared
You would not have appeared You would not have appeared
He/She/It would not have appeared They would not have appeared

You wouldn't have appeared rude to him if you had treated him with respect.

Nie wydałbyś/wydałabyś mu się niemiły/niemiła, gdybyś okazał/okazała mu szacunek.

The mold wouldn't have appeared on the wall if it hadn't been so humid in the room.

Gdyby w pokoju nie było tyle wilgoci, pleśń nie pojawiłaby się na ścianie.

The police wouldn't have appeared at our house if someone hadn't tipped us off.

Policja nie pojawiłaby się w naszym domu gdyby ktoś na nas nie doniósł.

Perfect conditional: interrogative
I Would I have appeared…? We Would we have appeared…?
You Would you have appeared…? You Would you have appeared…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it have appeared…? They Would they have appeared…?

Would they have appeared at the party if they had known what was going to happen?

Czy pojawiliby się na imprezie gdyby wiedzieli co się wydarzy?

Would it have appeared easier to pass this exam if we had believed in ourselves more?

Czy zdanie tego egzaminu wydawałoby się łatwiejsze gdybyśmy bardziej wierzyli w siebie?

Would he have appeared at the airport if you had told him you were leaving?

Czy pojawiłby się na lotnisku, gdybyś powiedziała mu, że wyjeżdżasz?

Perfect continuous conditional: affirmative
I would have been appearing We would have been appearing
You would have been appearing You would have been appearing
He/She/It would have been appearing They would have been appearing

You would have been appearing in theaters all around the world if you hadn't dropped out of acting school. You were so talented!

Pojawiałbyś/Pojawiałabyś się w teatrach na całym świecie gdybyś nie rzucił/rzuciła szkoły aktorskiej! Byłeś/Byłaś taka utalentowany/utalentowana!

Jennifer and her new boyfriend would have been appearing in public more often if the paparazzi hadn't been trying to take a picture of them every time they went out.

Jennifer i jej nowy chłopak częściej pojawialiby się publicznie gdyby paparazzi nie próbowali robić im zdjęć za każdym razem.

She would have been appearing on family gatherings more often if her relatives hadn't been so judgemental about her life choices.

Częściej pojawiałaby się na spotkaniach rodzinnych gdyby jej krewni nie oceniali jej wyborów życiowych.

Perfect continuous conditional: negative
I would not have been appearing We would not have been appearing
You would not have been appearing You would not have been appearing
He/She/It would not have been appearing They would not have been appearing

We wouldn't have been appearing on the covers of the magazines if we had ever given up on our dreams.

Gdybyśmy kiedykolwiek poddali się w realizacji naszych marzeń, nie pojawialibyśmy się na okładkach magazynów.

You wouldn't have been appearing in commercials if you hadn't started your career with your parents' help.

Nie pojawiałbyś/pojawiałabyś się w reklamach gdyby rodzice nie pomogli ci zacząć kariery.

She wouldn't have been appearing wherever we went if she hadn't been following us.

Nie pojawiałaby się wszędzie, gdzie poszliśmy gdyby nas nie śledziła.

Perfect continuous conditional: interrogative
I Would I have been appearing…? We Would we have been appearing…?
You Would you have been appearing…? You Would you have been appearing…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it have been appearing…? They Would they have been appearing…?

Would I have been appearing in so many TV shows if I had had no acting talent? I doubt it. They fought for me because I was a very talented actress.

Czy pojawiałabym się w tylu serialach gdybym nie miała talentu aktorskiego? Wątpię. Bili się o mnie, bo byłam bardzo utalentowaną aktorką.

Would they have been appearing on TV if nobody liked them? Someone always wants to watch these stupid shows, so they keep on producing them.

Czy pojawialiby się w telewizji gdyby nikomu się nie podobali? Zawsze znajdzie się ktoś, kto chce oglądać te głupie programy, więc ciągle są produkowane.

Would she have been appearing in the news if the whole country hadn't been looking for her?

Czy pojawiałaby się w wiadomościach gdyby nie szukał jej cały kraj?

Nauka języka angielskiego jest prosta! Odwiedź nas na Facebooku!

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