

verb (czasownik)
infinitive to allow
past tense allowed
past participle allowed
imperative allow
present participle allowing
  1. pozwalać, zezwalać
  2. umożliwić
  3. dopuszczać (allow mistakes on a test)

Przykładowe użycie słowa allow


How could you allow for something like that to happen? I can't believe this! If you had taken better care of the children, they wouldn't have had an accident!

Jak mogłeś pozwolić na coś takiego? Nie wierzę! Gdybyś lepiej zajął się dziećmi, nie miałyby wypadku!

Did you allow Adam to eat that? He's allergic to nuts! We have to quickly go to the hospital - he might stop breathing!

Pozwoliłeś Adamowi to zjeść? On jest uczulony na orzechy! Musimy szybko jechać do szpitala – on może przestać oddychać!

I don't think I'd ever allow my children to smoke. Smoking is extremely dangerous, it can cause various types of cancer.

Nigdy nie pozwolę moim dzieciom palić. Palenie jest bardzo niebezpieczne, może przyczynić się do rozwoju różnych rodzajów raka.

Kate is not allowed to go outside after dark.

Kate nie może wychodzić z domu po zmroku.

Do you allow your children to chew gum?

Pozwalasz swoim dzieciom żuć gumę?

Idiomy ze słowem allow


Don't interfere. Just allow nature to take its course.

Nie wtrącaj się. Co ma być to będzie.

Please, allow me.

Proszę, pozwól mi. (formalne wyrażenie, którego używamy, gdy chcemy zaoferować pomoc)

Odmiana słowa allow


Present simple
I allow We allow
You allow You allow
He/She/It allows They allow

She allows her 5-year-old son to watch TV after midnight.

Ona pozwala swojemu pięcioletniemu synowi oglądać telewizję po północy.

Do you allow your children to have parties at home?

Czy pozwalasz swoim dzieciom robić imprezy w domu?

They allow their children to play outside after dark. I would never let my kids do that. It's just too dangerous and besides, why would they even want to play outside when you can't see anything anymore?

Oni pozwalają swoim dzieciom bawić się na zewnątrz po zmroku. Nigdy nie pozwoliłabym moim dzieciom robić czegoś takiego. To zbyt niebezpieczne, a zresztą czemu w ogóle chcą się bawić na zewnątrz kiedy nic nie widać?

Present continuous
I am allowing We are allowing
You are allowing You are allowing
He/She/It is allowing They are allowing

I'm allowing for my posts to be made public - but just this once.

Zgadzam się na to, aby moje posty były publiczne – ale tylko ten jeden raz.

Many parents are now allowing their daughters to wear makeup to school. It's against the school policy and all such students will be asked to leave the premises.

Wielu rodziców nie pozwala swoim córkom nosić makijażu do szkoły. To wbrew szkolnemu regulaminowi i uczniowie, którzy nie zastosują się do zakazu, będą proszeni o opuszczenie terenu szkoły.

Due to significant traffic, the authorities are allowing cars to use the bus lane.

Ze względu na duże utrudnienia w ruchu, władze pozwalają kierowcom samochodów osobowych korzystać z buspasów.

If you don't stand up to bullies, you're basically allowing for bullying to take place.

Jeśli nie przeciwstawisz się dręczycielom, pozwalasz by takie zachowanie miało miejsce.

Present perfect
I have allowed We have allowed
You have allowed You have allowed
He/She/It has allowed They have allowed

Innovative technologies have allowed millions of children to gain access to education. In poor regions it was often difficult to find a qualified English teacher, but nowadays children can have classes online without leaving their homes.

Innowacyjne technologie pozwoliły milionom dzieci otrzymać dostęp do edukacji. W biednych regionach często było ciężko znaleźć wykwalifikowanego nauczyciela angielskiego, ale w dzisiejszych czasach dzieci mogą uczyć się przez internet bez wychodzenia z domu.

Tax deductions have allowed him to avoid paying any taxes in the previous years. This year, the law changed and he will be significantly contributing to the budget.

Zwolnienia podatkowe pozwoliły mu uniknąć płacenia podatków w poprzednich latach. W tym roku, prawo się zmieniło i będzie on dokładał się do budżetu państwa w znacznym stopniu.

The new regulations have allowed suppliers to purchase their merchandise from countries such as China and India. Not that that wasn't possible in the past, it was, but the tariffs were so high that it was unprofitable to do so.

Nowe przepisy pozwoliły dostawcom kupować towary z krajów takie jak Chiny czy Indie. Nie to, że wcześniej było to niemożliwe, bo było możliwe, ale cło było tak wysokie, że taki zakup był nieopłacalny.

Present perfect continuous
I have been allowing We have been allowing
You have been allowing You have been allowing
He/She/It has been allowing They have been allowing

We've been allowing our children to eat candy before dinner. It's definitely a quite controversial parenting technique, but it our case it worked wonders. The kids have learned to control themselves, because they know that even though they can have as much candy as they want, they still need to eat their whole dinner and they'll be sitting at the table until they do so.

Od jakiegoś czasu pozwalamy dzieciom jeść słodycze przed obiadem. To z pewnością dosyć kontrowersyjna metod wychowania, ale w naszym przypadku zdziałała cuda. Dzieci nauczyły się kontrolować, bo wiedzą, że mimo tego, że mogą zjeść tyle słodyczy, ile chcą, nadal muszą zjeść cały obiad i będą siedziały przy stole dopóki tego nie zrobią.

Have you been allowing your employees to eat dinner in the conference room?

Czy pozwalasz swoim pracownikom jeść obiad w sali konferencyjnej?

Past simple
I allowed We allowed
You allowed You allowed
He/She/It allowed They allowed

If I allowed for such behavior, it would lead to disastrous consequences.

Gdybym pozwolił/pozwoliła na takie zachowanie, to miałoby to katastrofalne konsekwencje.

She still regrets that she allowed her son to take a gap year. He went for a trip around the world and ended up staying in Thailand — all because he met a girl. Now, he works in a factory, earns near to nothing and lives in horrendous conditions. To think he was supposed to go to Harvard and study medicine

Ona nadal żałuje, że pozwoliła synowi zrobić rok przerwy od nauki. Pojechał na wycieczkę dookoła świata i został w Tajlandii – wszystko dlatego, że poznał jakąś dziewczynę. Teraz pracuje w fabryce, zarabia tyle co nic i żyje w okropnych warunkach. Pomyśleć, że miał pójść na Harvard studiować medycynę.

You allowed for this to happen! It's all your fault! If you hadn't bought that car, none of this would've happened!

To ty pozwoliłeś/pozwoliłaś, żeby to się stało! To wszystko twoja wina! Gdybyś nie kupił/kupiła tego samochodu, nic takiego by się nie wydarzyło!

Past continuous
I was allowing We were allowing
You were allowing You were allowing
He/She/It was allowing They were allowing

In my opinion, she was allowing for him to behave that way, enabling him. I think she was just afraid to contradict him.

Według mnie, ona pozwalała mu zachowywać się w taki sposób. Chyba po prostu bała się mu postawić.

They were shocked that we were allowing our children to take kitesurfing lessons. They think it's a very dangerous sport and we shouldn't be endangering our children. They also told us that it's very irresponsible of us and if push comes to shove, they might even report us! Now who's shocked!

Byli w szoku, że pozwalamy naszym dzieciom chodzić na lekcje kitesurfingu. Oni uważają, że to bardzo niebezpieczny sport i że nie powinniśmy narażać naszych dzieci. Powiedzieli nam również, że jesteśmy nieodpowiedzialni i jeśli zajdzie taka konieczność, to być może nawet gdzieś to zgłoszą! Teraz to my jesteśmy w szoku!

Past perfect
I had allowed We had allowed
You had allowed You had allowed
He/She/It had allowed They had allowed

If she had allowed her son to go out more, he wouldn't be such an antisocial person now.

Gdyby pozwalała swojemu synowi częściej wychodzić, nie byłby teraz taki aspołeczny.

If the United States had allowed for an uncontrolled influx of immigrants and refugees, it would now most likely be dealing with the same issues that Europe is. The European continent is not as safe as it used to be. Gone are the days when you could hitchhike all over the continent and not worry about anything.

Gdyby Stany Zjednoczone pozwoliły na niekontrolowany napływ imigrantów i uchodźców, teraz prawdopodobnie miałyby podobny problem jak Europa. Kontynent europejski nie jest już tak bezpieczny jak kiedyś. Bezpowrotnie minęły dni, kiedy to można było podróżować autostopem przez cały kontynent i niczym się nie martwić.

The financial crisis was nobody's fault in particular. The banks had allowed people to borrow more money than they could afford to pay back and the people who took those loans, took them knowing that they would most likely not be able to pay back the money. Thus, both sides were at fault.

Winą za kryzys finansowy nie można obarczyć ani banków ani kredytobiorców . Banki pozwoliły ludziom pożyczyć więcej pieniędzy niż oni byli w stanie oddać. Mimo tego, Ci ludzie pożyczyli pieniądze wiedząc, że najprawdopodobniej nie będą w stanie ich spłacić. Dlatego wina leży po obu stronach.

In the past, they had allowed people to order as many drink as they wanted to. Now, they allow for up to two drinks per person.

Kiedyś pozwalano ludziom zamówić tyle drinków, ile chcieli. Teraz dozwolone są maksymalnie dwa drinki na osobę.

Past perfect continuous
I had been allowing We had been allowing
You had been allowing You had been allowing
He/She/It had been allowing They had been allowing

When I left for college my parents promised to keep my room just the way it is, so that I could use it whenever I came home for the holidays. When I found out that they had been allowing my sister to use it as her art studio I was devastated. She had ruined all of my things!

Kiedy wyjechałam/wyjechałem na studia moi rodzice obiecali, że nie będą nic zmieniać w moim pokoju, tak żebym mogła z niego korzystać kiedy przyjadę na święta. Kiedy dowiedziałam się, że pozwalali mojej siostrze używać go jako studia artystycznego, byłam załamana. Zniszczyła mi wszystkie rzeczy!

Future simple
I will allow We will allow
You will allow You will allow
He/She/It will allow They will allow

All right, you've made a compelling case. I will allow it.

Ok, twój argument był dosyć przekonywujący, dopuszczę go.

This law will allow women to drive without a male guardian present.

To prawo pozwoli kobietom prowadzić samochód bez obecności opiekuna.

You know they won't allow you to use the bathroom unless you buy something?

Wiesz, że nie pozwolą Ci skorzystać z łazienki, chyba że coś kupisz?

Will they allow me to smoke inside? It's freezing outside and I just don't want to get sick.

Pozwolą mi zapalić w środku? Na zewnątrz jest zimno i nie chce zachorować.

Future continuous
I will be allowing We will be allowing
You will be allowing You will be allowing
He/She/It will be allowing They will be allowing

I don't think they'll be allowing their children to go out anytime soon.

Nie sądze, że w najbliższym czasie będą pozwalać swoim dzieciom wychodzić z domu.

We won't be allowing this kind of behavior in our house anymore!

Nie będziemy więcej pozwalać na tego rodzaju zachowanie w naszym domu!

Future perfect
I will have allowed We will have allowed
You will have allowed You will have allowed
He/She/It will have allowed They will have allowed

By 2025 we will have allowed over a million immigrants to enter our country.

Do 2025, pozwolimy ponad milionowi imigrantów na wjazd do naszego kraju.

By next week, you will have allowed your 5-year-old to dye their hair. Can't you say "no" to your child? She does everything she wants.

Nie minie tydzień a ty pozwolisz swojemu pięcioletniemu dziecku zafarbować włosy. Nie potrafisz jej odmówić? Ona robi co tylko chce.

Future perfect continuous
I will have been allowing We will have been allowing
You will have been allowing You will have been allowing
He/She/It will have been allowing They will have been allowing

In 2030, we will have been allowing them to treat us this way for over 15 years. We need to change the way things are now.

W 2030 będzie już ponad 15 lat odkąd dajemy się im tak traktować. Musimy zmienić obecny stan rzeczy.

Next month my mom will have been allowing me to come back home from school by myself for over 2 years!

W następnym miesiącu będzie ponad dwa lata odkąd mama pozwala mi wracać samej/samemu ze szkoły!

Conditional tenses


Present conditional: affirmative
I would allow We would allow
You would allow You would allow
He/She/It would allow They would allow

I would allow this if it wasn't that dangerous.

Pozwoliłbym/Pozwoliłabym na to gdyby to nie było tak niebezpieczne.

They would allow their children to move out if only the kids asked them to.

Pozwoliliby dzieciom wyprowadzić się z domu gdyby tylko ich o to poprosiły.

Present conditional: negative
I would not allow We would not allow
You would not allow You would not allow
He/She/It would not allow They would not allow

If I were you, I would not allow my children to smoke cigarettes!

Na twoim miejscu nie pozwalałbym/pozwalałabym moim dzieciom palić papierosów!

They wouldn't allow for any mistakes even if they were just punctuation mistakes.

Nie dopuściliby żadnych błędów nawet jeśli byłyby to tylko błędy interpunkcyjne.

Present conditional: interrogative
I Would I allow…? We Would we allow…?
You Would you allow…? You Would you allow…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it allow…? They Would they allow…?

Would you allow your daughter to date an older guy?

Czy pozwoliłbyś/pozwoliłabyś swojej córce spotykać się ze starszym facetem?

Would they allow us to use additional materials on the test if we asked nicely?

Czy pozwoliliby nam korzystać z dodatkowych materiałów na teście gdybyś grzecznie spytali?

Present continuous conditional: affirmative
I would be allowing We would be allowing
You would be allowing You would be allowing
He/She/It would be allowing They would be allowing

She would still be allowing this kind of behavior if nothing had changed between them.

Gdyby nic się nie zmieniło między nimi, ona nadal pozwalałaby na takie zachowanie.

Harry would be allowing his children to come back home after 10 p.m. if they hadn't let him down before.

Harry pozwalałby swoim dzieciom wracać do domu po 22 gdyby go wcześniej nie zawiodły.

Present continuous conditional: negative
I would not be allowing We would not be allowing
You would not be allowing You would not be allowing
He/She/It would not be allowing They would not be allowing

I wouldn't be allowing you to buy this if it weren't for what your father said.

Nie pozwalałbym/pozwalałabym Ci tego kupować gdyby nie to, co powiedział Twój ojciec.

Our parents wouldn't be allowing us so much freedom if they didn't trust us.

Nasi rodzice nie pozwalaliby nam na tyle rzeczy gdyby nam nie ufali.

Present continuous conditional: interrogative
I Would I be allowing…? We Would we be allowing…?
You Would you be allowing…? You Would you be allowing…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it be allowing…? They Would they be allowing…?

Would she be allowing her kids to play outside if she knew there is a killer on the loose?

Czy pozwalałaby dzieciom bawić się na zewnątrz gdyby wiedziała że na wolności jest morderca?

Would you be allowing him to treat you this way if you had higher self-esteem?

Czy pozwalałabyś mu się tak traktować gdybyś miała wyższą samoocenę?

Perfect conditional: affirmative
I would have allowed We would have allowed
You would have allowed You would have allowed
He/She/It would have allowed They would have allowed

They would have allowed Johnny to buy ice cream if he hadn't been disobedient.

Pozwoliliby Johnny'emu kupić lody gdyby nie był wcześniej nieposłuszny.

The school would have allowed me to go on an exchange program if I hadn't had such bad grades at that time.

Szkoła pozwoliłaby mi wyjechać na wymianę gdybym nie miał/miała wtedy tak złych ocen.

Perfect conditional: negative
I would not have allowed We would not have allowed
You would not have allowed You would not have allowed
He/She/It would not have allowed They would not have allowed

My mom would not have allowed me to have a tattoo at 16 even if I had paid for it myself.

Moja mama nie pozwoliłaby mi zrobić sobie tatuażu w wieku 16 lat nawet jeśli zapłaciłbym/zapłaciłabym za niego sama.

You would not have allowed them to go on vacation without you if you had known they were going. That's why they didn't tell you.

Gdybyś wiedziała/wiedział że jadą, nie pozwoliłabyś/pozwoliłbyś im pojechać na wakacje bez ciebie. Dlatego Ci nie powiedzieli.

Perfect conditional: interrogative
I Would I have allowed…? We Would we have allowed…?
You Would you have allowed…? You Would you have allowed…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it have allowed…? They Would they have allowed…?

Would I have allowed the robber to take my gun if I hadn't been so scared?

Czy pozwoliłbym/pozwoliłabym złodziejowi zabrać mój pistolet gdybym się tak nie bał/bała?

Would they have allowed to start producing cigarettes in the first place if they had known they were bad for us?

Czy pozwoliliby zacząć produkować papierosy gdyby wiedzieli, że są dla nas szkodliwe?

Perfect continuous conditional: affirmative
I would have been allowing We would have been allowing
You would have been allowing You would have been allowing
He/She/It would have been allowing They would have been allowing

They would have been allowing people to smoke at the workplace if there hadn't been so many complaints from the employees.

Pozwalaliby ludziom palić w miejscu pracy gdyby nie było tylu skarg od pracowników.

My father would have been allowing me to drive his car if I had had a license.

Mój ojciec pozwalałby mi jeździć swoim samochodem gdybym miał/miała prawo jazdy.

Perfect continuous conditional: negative
I would not have been allowing We would not have been allowing
You would not have been allowing You would not have been allowing
He/She/It would not have been allowing They would not have been allowing

We would not have been allowing her to act like that if we had known it was rude.

Nie pozwalalibyśmy jej się tak zachowywać gdybyśmy wiedzieli, że to było niegrzeczne.

Perfect continuous conditional: interrogative
I Would I have been allowing…? We Would we have been allowing…?
You Would you have been allowing…? You Would you have been allowing…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it have been allowing…? They Would they have been allowing…?

Would you have been allowing your children to see him every week if you had known he was a gang member?

Czy pozwalałbyś/pozwalałabyś swoim dzieciom widywać się z nim co tydzień gdybyś wiedział/wiedziała, że jest członkiem gangu?

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