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test z angielskiego

Test z angielskiego

Test z angielskiego

Test z angielskiego, który ma ocenić poziom naszej wiedzy to przydatne narzędzie, ponieważ dzięki niemu możemy dowiedzieć się, co już umiemy. Test z angielskiego jest szczególnie ważny, kiedy zapisujemy się na kurs języka lub rozpoczynamy naukę na własną rękę – musimy wiedzieć, na jakim poziomie są nasze umiejętności i z jakiego poziomu powinniśmy rozpocząć lub kontynuować naukę. Poziomujący test z angielskiego zazwyczaj jest dosyć długi – ocenienie poziomu wiedzy nie może odbyć się na podstawie kilku pytań. Należy sprawdzić zarówno znajomość słownictwa, jak i struktur oraz czasów gramatycznych. Test z angielskiego może znacznie pomóc nam w dalszej nauce – wybranie dla siebie odpowiedniego poziomu, z którego będziemy startować jest kluczowe. Za niski poziom może sprawić, że będziemy się nudzili i nie nauczymy się niczego nowego, z kolei nauka na zbyt wysokim poziomie może nas zdemotywować, będziemy ciągle mieli poczucie, że nie jesteśmy wystarczająco dobrzy.

test z angielskiegoJeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się, jaki jest twój poziom angielskiego, oto test z angielskiego pozwalający określić poziom na jakim powinniśmy rozpocząć naukę.

Test z angielskiego


My husband is _____ the United States.

Correct! Wrong!

_____ is this man? I don't know him.

Correct! Wrong!

_____ she live here?

Correct! Wrong!

How old _____ they?

Correct! Wrong!

This is my _____ dog.

Correct! Wrong!

Do you like ____ TV?

Correct! Wrong!

_____ talk to her. She's rude.

Correct! Wrong!

Does she go to our school? No, she _____.

Correct! Wrong!

My friend _____ four sisters.

Correct! Wrong!

Who _____ she know here? Only her sister?

Correct! Wrong!

Can she _____?

Correct! Wrong!

_____ time does the movie start?

Correct! Wrong!

Are _____ any people there?

Correct! Wrong!

_____ often do you eat candy?

Correct! Wrong!

There isn't _____ sugar left.

Correct! Wrong!

The movie theater is _____ the supermarket and the flower shop.

Correct! Wrong!

We were born 20 years _____.

Correct! Wrong!

Our classes always start _____ 7 a.m.

Correct! Wrong!

This sandwich is _____ than the other one.

Correct! Wrong!

She _____ get up early every morning.

Correct! Wrong!

This is _____ house I've ever seen!

Correct! Wrong!

We _____ on vacation next month.

Correct! Wrong!

Excuse me! Is this _____?

Correct! Wrong!

He apologized _____ his behavior.

Correct! Wrong!

_____ did they go?

Correct! Wrong!

Who _____ you about it?

Correct! Wrong!

I haven't started cleaning my room _____.

Correct! Wrong!

While I _____ a book, I heard a loud noise.

Correct! Wrong!

She _____ been here before.

Correct! Wrong!

English _____ in this country.

Correct! Wrong!

How _____ money does he make?

Correct! Wrong!

They _____ houses last month.

Correct! Wrong!

Anna and Jack have known each other _____ 1990.

Correct! Wrong!

I'm tired today. I _____ shopping tomorrow.

Correct! Wrong!

Does he _____ any sports?

Correct! Wrong!

My mom was _____ about my brother.

Correct! Wrong!

They have _____ problems than we do.

Correct! Wrong!

I woke up late, _____ I didn't miss the bus.

Correct! Wrong!

Do you know _____?

Correct! Wrong!

Will you come if something _____?

Correct! Wrong!

This is the man _____ helped us.

Correct! Wrong!

I wouldn't do that if I _____ you.

Correct! Wrong!

It isn't _____. It's pretty close.

Correct! Wrong!

You're not scared, _____?

Correct! Wrong!

He has _____ the Eiffel Tower twice.

Correct! Wrong!

You did a very _____ job.

Correct! Wrong!

I _____ be a very good student.

Correct! Wrong!

Please _____ your coat.

Correct! Wrong!

I put on the dress I _____ earlier.

Correct! Wrong!

The car was going _____.

Correct! Wrong!

When I was a child, I _____ ride a bike.

Correct! Wrong!

I'm all dirty! I _____ the car.

Correct! Wrong!

It _____ me half an hour to get ready for school.

Correct! Wrong!

Don't worry, the situation is _____ of.

Correct! Wrong!

She will _____ her hair cut tomorrow.

Correct! Wrong!

She _____ been there. She was asleep!

Correct! Wrong!

I wish I _____ the bus.

Correct! Wrong!

We look _____ to seeing you.

Correct! Wrong!

You don't need any help. You can do it _____.

Correct! Wrong!

The city of New York, _____ was founded in 1665, is a popular tourist destination.

Correct! Wrong!

He has a lot of money. He is _____.

Correct! Wrong!

I noticed a man _____ some money.

Correct! Wrong!

She told me she _____ them two days before.

Correct! Wrong!

The cat just _____. We've been looking everywhere.

Correct! Wrong!

She lost a lot of weight. She _____.

Correct! Wrong!

_____ is he like? Is he friendly?

Correct! Wrong!

Can you _____ me a ride home?

Correct! Wrong!

The doctor _____ me to avoid caffeine.

Correct! Wrong!

He's always been a _____ player and he's constantly getting better.

Correct! Wrong!

Could you _____ up in the dictionary?

Correct! Wrong!

We managed to ____ the deadline.

Correct! Wrong!

This is the island _____ we spent our honeymoon.

Correct! Wrong!

We will come _____ you are there. We need you!

Correct! Wrong!

The politician is said _____ involved in some scandal.

Correct! Wrong!

I would rather we _____. I'm having fun.

Correct! Wrong!

My mom is always _____ a lot of pressure at work.

Correct! Wrong!

If I had worked harder, I _____ into Harvard.

Correct! Wrong!

I suggested that he _____ swearing.

Correct! Wrong!

He was _____ for being a good student.

Correct! Wrong!

We managed to book a decent room _____ last.

Correct! Wrong!

I missed my turn _____ accident.

Correct! Wrong!

There's a lack _____ communication between them.

Correct! Wrong!

One-_____ of us didn't pass.

Correct! Wrong!

She decided to leave the country on the _____.

Correct! Wrong!

You've got all the information here _____ a nutshell.

Correct! Wrong!

She ____ to take part in the competition.

Correct! Wrong!

I prefer hamburgers _____ pizza.

Correct! Wrong!

He was _____ piano classes and he hated every minute of it.

Correct! Wrong!

Mr. Smith is highly _____ among people in our neighborhood.

Correct! Wrong!

This device enables you to keep in touch with everybody. _____, it has many other new features.

Correct! Wrong!

You may apply for this position _____ that you have the necessary qualifications.

Correct! Wrong!

I _____ you have already done everything you were supposed to do today.

Correct! Wrong!

We _____ better stop eating so much fast food.

Correct! Wrong!

_____ we arrived, we saw them waiting for us.

Correct! Wrong!

Our countries fought _____ other countries.

Correct! Wrong!

They were overcoming every obstacle _____ everyone throwing stones at them.

Correct! Wrong!

I learned that the kids were making jokes _____ my expense.

Correct! Wrong!

Things seem to be _____ up for us.

Correct! Wrong!

I felt _____ to apologize to them.

Correct! Wrong!

I hope he knows that he has done a lot of bad things and now has to face the _____.

Correct! Wrong!

Placement test
We suggest you start with: level A1
We suggest you start with: level A2+
We suggest you start with: level B1
We suggest you start with: level B2
We suggest you start with: level C1

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