

verb (czasownik)
infinitive to have
past tense had
past participle had
imperative have
present participle having
  1. mieć, posiadać (to have a car)
  2. jeść, pić (to have lunch)
  3. urodzić dziecko (to have a baby)
  4. zawierać (This cookie has peanuts in it)
  5. doświadczać czegoś (to have an accident / to have a good time)
  6. cierpieć na jakąś chorobę (to have a disease)

Przykładowe użycie słowa have


I have a bike.

Mam rower.

I think I have a fever.

Chyba mam gorączkę.

I'd like to have cereal for breakfast.

Chciałbym/Chciałabym zjeść płatki na śniadanie.

Do you have any children?

Masz dzieci?

Have a drink. It's on me.

Napij się drinka. Ja stawiam.

We have a lot of friends.

Mamy wielu znajomych.

What do psychologists do when they have anxiety attacks?

Co robią psychologowie kiedy mają ataki paniki?

You have amazing eyes.

Masz niesamowite oczy.

Don't you have work to do?

Nie masz przypadkiem czegoś do roboty?

What did you have for breakfast yesterday?

Co jadłeś/jadłaś wczoraj na śniadanie?

Do you have a girlfriend?

Czy masz dziewczynę?

I've had nothing to eat since breakfast.

Nic nie jadłam/jadłem od śniadania.

You must have had a very long day. Are you tired?

Pewnie miałeś/miałaś ciężki dzień. Jesteś zmęczony/zmęczona?

We have had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Smith.

Mieliśmy przyjemność poznać dr. Smitha.

During the past two years, I have had three surgeries.

Przez ostatnie dwa lata przeszedłem/przeszłam trzy operacje.

I've had this problem for years now. I don't know how to fix it.

Mam ten problem od wielu lat. Nie wiem jak go rozwiązać.

Have you ever had dreams with your dead relatives?

Czy kiedykolwiek miałeś/miałaś sen o swoich zmarłych krewnych?

Idiomy ze słowem have


I think smoking has a bad effect on your health.

Myślę, że palenie ma zły wpływ na twoje zdrowie.

I'm going home but you guys have a good time!

Idę do domu, ale wy bawcie się dobrze!

Anna has a heart of stone.

Anna ma serce z kamienia.

He has a lot on his mind.

On ma dużo na głowie.

Adam has a lot on his plate right now.

Adam ma teraz sporo na głowie.

Have fun!

Baw się dobrze!

Don't mess with me. I have friends in high places.

Nie zadzieraj ze mną. Mam wysoko postawionych znajomych.

You have got to be kidding me!

Chyba sobie żartujesz (ze mnie)!

I've really had enough.

Naprawdę mam dość.

I noticed we have a lot in common.

Zauważyłem, że mamy wiele wspólnego.

I've had my eye on that watch for a while now.

Ten zegarek chodzi za mną już od jakiegoś czasu.

I don't have the foggiest idea what's going on there.

Nie mam bladego pojęcia co tam się dzieje.

Don't join the army. You don't have the stomach for it.

Nie idź do wojska. Nie masz na to wystarczająco mocnej psychiki.

I have my husband on a short leash.

Trzymam mojego męża krótko.

Odmiana słowa have


Present simple
I have We have
You have You have
He/She/It has They have

I have two brothers and one sister.

Mam dwóch braci i jedną siostrę.

Do you have any change?

Masz jakieś drobne?

I think she has the flu.

Ona chyba ma grypę.

They have a lot of money. They're rich.

Oni mają dużo pieniędzy. Są bogaci.

She doesn't have a sister but she has two brothers.

Ona nie ma siostry, ale ma dwóch braci.

I have English classes at 5 p.m.

Mam zajęcia języka angielskiego o piątej.

Present continuous
I am having We are having
You are having You are having
He/She/It is having They are having

Are you having trouble breathing?

Czy brakuje Ci powietrza?

I'm having a really bad day.

Mam dzisiaj bardzo zły dzień.

Are they having a good time?

Czy oni dobrze się bawią?

I think I'm having a heart attack!

Chyba mam zawał!

We're having them over for dinner tonight.

Przychodzą dziś do nas na kolację.

I'm having a hard time keeping up with the schoolwork.

Ciężko mi nadążyć za bieżącym materiałem w szkole.

Present perfect
I have had We have had
You have had You have had
He/She/It has had They have had

How long have you had this problem?

Od jakiego czasu masz ten problem?

I've had cancer for 5 years now.

Od pięciu lat choruję na raka.

We've had some issues with that in the past.

Mieliśmy już z tym problemy w przeszłości.

We have had several warnings that a hurricane is coming.

Ostrzegano nas o zbliżającym się huraganie już kilka razy.

She has had diabetes for many years now.

Ona choruje na cukrzycę już od wielu lat.

He's had this watch for over a year.

On ma ten zegarek już od ponad roku.

Present perfect continuous
I have been having We have been having
You have been having You have been having
He/She/It has been having They have been having

I've been having severe headaches for the past two months.

Od dwóch miesięcy miewam silne bóle głowy.

If you've been having a hard time, you definitely need a vacation.

Jeśli jest Ci ciężko, zdecydowanie potrzebujesz wakacji.

Adam has been having trouble sleeping.

Adam od jakiegoś czasu miewa problemy z zaśnięciem.

The Giants have been having a terrible season.

Giganci nie radzą sobie dobrze w tym sezonie.

Have you been having nightmares?

Czy miewasz koszmary?

They've been having some issues with their mortgage. I don't think they'll be able to make the next payment.

Od jakiegoś czasu mają problemy ze swoim kredytem hipotecznym. Wydaje mi się, że będą w stanie zapłacić kolejnej raty.

Past simple
I had We had
You had You had
He/She/It had They had

She had a wonderful childhood.

Ona miała wspaniałe dzieciństwo.

We had a great time at the party!

Świetnie bawiliśmy się na imprezie!

I heard they had a terrible accident. Are they ok?

Słyszałam że mieli straszny wypadek. Czy wszystko z nimi w porządku?

Emma had a lot to talk about during our last meeting.

Emma miała dużo do powiedzenia podczas naszego ostatniego spotkania.

Adam just had his tonsils removed. He's still in pain.

Adamowi właśnie wycięto migdałki. Nadal go boli.

They had some pizza, a couple of drinks and then they just left.

Zjedli pizzę, wypili kilka drinków a potem po prostu wyszli.

Back in the 70's they had this machine that made smoke. Wait, we still have those today!

W latach 70. były takie maszyny do dymu. Czekaj, przecież teraz też mamy coś takiego!

Past continuous
I was having We were having
You were having You were having
He/She/It was having They were having

I was having dinner when the lights went off.

Jadłam obiad kiedy zgasły światła.

He was having a midlife crisis, so he decided to move to Thailand.

Przechodził kryzys wieku średniego, więc zdecydował się wyprowadzić do Tajlandii.

Adam was having an affair, did you know?

Adam miał romans, wiedziałaś?

When she found out she was having twins, she fainted.

Kiedy dowiedziała się, że będzie miała bliźnięta, zemdlała.

I thought I was having a heart attack!

Myślałam, że mam zawał.

They were having a hard time sleeping.

Mieli trudności z zaśnięciem.

She came to our house while we were having our car repaired.

Ona przyszła do naszego domu kiedy naprawiano nasz samochód.

Past perfect
I had had We had had
You had had You had had
He/She/It had had They had had

If only we had had more time. We could've gone shopping.

Gdybyśmy tylko mieli wtedy więcej czasu. Mogliśmy iść na zakupy.

The first cosmetic surgery that she had had was a tummy-tuck.

Pierwszą operacją, którą zrobiła była plastyka brzucha.

I had had my first cigarette before I was ten years old.

Zapaliłem po raz pierwszy zanim skończyłem dziesięć lat.

They had had a huge fight before they broke up.

Zanim zerwali, mieli wielką kłótnię.

Anna had had a snack before she went to work.

Anna zjadła przekąskę przed pójściem do pracy.

He had had a motorcycle before he bought a car.

Zanim kupił samochód, miał motocykl.

Past perfect continuous
I had been having We had been having
You had been having You had been having
He/She/It had been having They had been having

Adam discovered that his wife had been having numerous affairs during their marriage.

Adam odkrył, że jego żona nawiązywała wiele romansów przez cały czas trwania ich małżeństwa.

She had been having health issues for several months.

Ona miała problemy ze zdrowiem przez kilka miesięcy.

We had been having problems with the law before we turned 25.

Miewaliśmy już problemy z prawem zanim skończyliśmy 25 lat.

He had been having a hard time before he met his future wife.

Było mu ciężko zanim spotkał swoją przyszłą żonę.

Had you been having difficulty speaking English before you moved to New York?

Czy miałeś/miałaś trudności z mówieniem po angielsku zanim przeprowadziłeś/przeprowadziłaś się do Nowego Jorku?

Future simple
I will have We will have
You will have You will have
He/She/It will have They will have

Do you think we will have enough money to go on vacation this year?

Myślisz, że będziemy mieli wystarczająco dużo pieniędzy żeby pojechać na wakacje w tym roku?

I think we'll have the baked potatoes and the burger.

Weźmiemy pieczone ziemniaki i burgera.

I hope I'll have a huge house and an expensive car when I grow up.

Mam nadzieję, że będę mieć wielki dom i drogi samochód kiedy dorosnę.

They will have a lot of money if they sell their house.

Oni będą mieć dużo pieniędzy jeśli sprzedadzą samochód.

Will they have any water?

Będą mieli wodę?

I promise I'll have the money by tomorrow.

Obiecuję, że na jutro będę miał/miała pieniądze.

Future continuous
I will be having We will be having
You will be having You will be having
He/She/It will be having They will be having

I don't even want to think about the struggle I'll be having if they introduce that new tax.

Nawet nie chcę myśleć o trudnościach jakie będę miała jeśli wprowadzą ten nowy podatek.

John will be having his birthday party in a small restaurant.

John robi przyjęcie urodzinowe w kameralnej restauracji.

I think she'll be having a baby pretty soon.

Wydaje mi się, że ona niedługo będzie rodzić.

This time next week I'll be having a drink on the beach.

Za tydzień o tej porze będę popijać drinka na plaży.

I hope they will be having a great time in Spain.

Mam nadzieję, że oni będą dobrze się bawili w Hiszpanii.

Next Saturday, I'll be having some guests over.

W następną sobotę będę miała gości.

Future perfect
I will have had We will have had
You will have had You will have had
He/She/It will have had They will have had

It's estimated that by 2025 most women will have had at least one abortion.

Szacuje się, że przed 2025 większość kobiet przejdzie przynajmniej jedną aborcję.

Around seventy percent of 2-year-olds will have had at least one temper tantrum in the past two months.

Około 70% dwulatków przejdzie przynajmniej jeden atak histerii w ciągu dwóch następnych miesięcy.

The children will have had a lot of Halloween candy by the end of the day.

Dzieci będą miały mnóstwo halloweenowych słodyczy przed końcem dnia.

She will have had her baby in the next three months.

Ona urodzi w ciągu najbliższych trzech miesięcy.

Future perfect continuous
I will have been having We will have been having
You will have been having You will have been having
He/She/It will have been having They will have been having

Next Friday, I'll have been having my car repaired for over a week!

W następny piątek będzie już tydzień odkąd oddałam/oddałem samochód do naprawy!

In 2020, she'll have been having health issues for over five years.

W 2020 będzie już pięć lat odkąd ona ma problemy ze zdrowiem.

In two months' time, they'll have been having an affair for over half a year.

Za dwa miesiące będzie już pół roku odkąd mają romans.

In a month or so he will have been having health problems for over a year.

Za miesiąc minie już rok odkąd ma problemy ze zdrowiem.

Conditional tenses


Present conditional: affirmative
I would have We would have
You would have You would have
He/She/It would have They would have

If I had applied for that job, I would have a lot of money right now.

Gdybym zaaplikowała do tej pracy miałabym teraz dużo pieniędzy.

If he weren't so antisocial, he would have more friends.

Gdyby nie był tak aspołeczny miałby więcej przyjaciół.

If we knew something they don't know, we would have an ace up our sleeve.

Gdybyśmy wiedzieli coś czego oni nie wiedzą, mielibyśmy asa w rękawie.

Present conditional: negative
I would not have We would not have
You would not have You would not have
He/She/It would not have They would not have

If she didn't like rock music, she wouldn't have so many band T-shirts.

Gdyby nie lubiła muzyki rockowej, nie miałaby tyle koszulek z zespołami.

If they didn't hate going to school, they would not have a new excuse not to go every morning.

Gdyby nie nienawidzili chodzić do szkoły, nie mieliby nowej wymówki żeby nie iść każdego poranka.

Present conditional: interrogative
I Would I have…? We Would we have…?
You Would you have…? You Would you have…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it have…? They Would they have…?

Would I have more time if I didn't take a nap every day?

Czy miałbym/miałabym więcej czasu gdybym nie robił/robiła sobie drzemki każdego dnia?

Would you have better grades if you revised once a week?

Czy miałbyś/miałabyś lepsze oceny gdybyś powtarzał/powtarzała materiał raz w tygodniu?

Would they have more time now if they hadn't missed the bus?

Czy mieliby teraz więcej czasu gdyby nie spóźnili się na autobus?

Present continuous conditional: affirmative
I would be having We would be having
You would be having You would be having
He/She/It would be having They would be having

They would be having wonderful time if they weren't so mad at each other.

Gdyby nie byli na siebie tak wściekli, świetnie by się bawili.

She would be having trouble making friends if she weren't so outgoing.

Gdyby nie była tak towarzyska, miała by problem z nawiązywaniem nowych znajomości.

Present continuous conditional: negative
I would not be having We would not be having
You would not be having You would not be having
He/She/It would not be having They would not be having

If it weren't for you, we would not be having such a wonderful time.

Gdyby nie ty, nie bawilibyśmy się teraz tak świetnie.

Present continuous conditional: interrogative
I Would I be having…? We Would we be having…?
You Would you be having…? You Would you be having…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it be having…? They Would they be having…?

Would I be having troubles with the law if I hadn't grown up in this neighborhood?

Czy miałbym/miałabym problemy z prawem gdybym nie dorastał/dorastała w tej dzielnicy?

Would they be having financial problems now if he had helped them?

Czy mieliby teraz problemy finansowe gdyby on im pomógł?

Perfect conditional: affirmative
I would have had We would have had
You would have had You would have had
He/She/It would have had They would have had

She would have had a happier life if she hadn't married him.

Miałaby szczęśliwsze życie gdyby za niego nie wyszła.

He would have had a great car if someone hadn't stolen it.

Miałby świetny samochód gdyby ktoś go nie ukradł.

Perfect conditional: negative
I would not have had We would not have had
You would not have had You would not have had
He/She/It would not have had They would not have had

I would not have had an injury if he had driven more carefully.

Nie byłbym/byłabym ranny/ranna gdyby on jechał ostrożniej.

They wouldn't have had a fever if they had worn warmer clothes.

Gdyby założyli cieplejsze ubrania, nie mieliby gorączki.

Perfect conditional: interrogative
I Would I have had…? We Would we have had…?
You Would you have had…? You Would you have had…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it have had…? They Would they have had…?

Would I have had it easier if I had been born in a different family?

Czy miałbym/miałabym łatwiej w życiu gdybym urodził/urodziła się w innej rodzinie?

Would they have had a baby if they hadn't been so focused on developing their careers?

Czy mieliby dziecko gdyby nie skupiali się tylko na rozwijaniu swojej kariery?

Perfect continuous conditional: affirmative
I would have been having We would have been having
You would have been having You would have been having
He/She/It would have been having They would have been having

You would have been having more fun during your youth if you hadn't cared about what others thought of you.

Gdybyś nie przejmował/przejmowała się tym, co myślą o Tobie inni, lepiej przeżyłbyś/przeżyłabyś swoją młodość.

We would have been having a good time in Spain if we hadn't forgotten our passports.

Bawilibyśmy się świetnie w Hiszpanii gdybyśmy nie zapomnieli paszportów.

Perfect continuous conditional: negative
I would not have been having We would not have been having
You would not have been having You would not have been having
He/She/It would not have been having They would not have been having

We would not have been having trouble doing our homework if the teacher had explained it to us.

Nie mielibyśmy problemu ze zrobieniem pracy domowej gdyby nauczyciel wszystko nam wytłumaczył.

They would not have been having so many issues in their relationship if they had talked openly about everything.

Nie mieliby tyle problemów w swoim związku gdyby porozmawiali o wszystkim otwarcie.

Perfect continuous conditional: interrogative
I Would I have been having…? We Would we have been having…?
You Would you have been having…? You Would you have been having…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it have been having…? They Would they have been having…?

Would she have been having health problems if a cure had been invented?

Czy miałaby problemy ze zdrowiem gdyby wynaleziono lekarstwo?

Would they have been having problems with their son if they had paid more attention to him?

Czy mieliby problemy z synem gdyby poświęcili mu więcej uwagi?

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