

verb (czasownik)
infinitive to decide
past tense decided
past participle decided
imperative decide
present participle deciding
  1. postanowić, zdecydować
  2. przesądzić o czymś
  3. rozstrzygać

Przykładowe użycie słowa decide


You're not the one who's going to decide about my future! It's my life and I can do whatever I want! If I want to work as a waitress I will! If I want to earn minimum wage, I will! It's my decision!

To nie ty decydujesz o mojej przyszłości! To moje życie i mogę robić cokolwiek zechcę! Jeśli chcę pracować jako kelnerka, będę! Jeśli chcę zarabiać najniższą krajową, będę! To moja decyzja!

Decide right now! No more lies! You either want to be with me or you don't, there's nothing in the middle.

Zdecyduj teraz! Bez kłamstw! Albo chcesz ze mną być albo nie, nie ma niczego pośrodku.

Have you decided which china you're going to buy?

Czy zdecydowałeś/zdecydowałaś, którą porcelanę zamierzasz kupić?

Odmiana słowa decide


Present simple
I decide We decide
You decide You decide
He/She/It decides They decide

Whatever you decide, I'll support you.

Cokolwiek nie postanowisz, będę cię wspierać.

I think they'll be quite happy if they decide to buy that house. It's a beautiful, traditional home, with 5 bedrooms and 4 full baths. They have 3 children, so they definitely need the space. Plus, the house has an indoor swimming pool and a room for playing squash. The children will surely be happy with that.

Myślę, że będą szczęśliwi jeśli zdecydują się kupić ten dom. To piękny, tradycyjny dom, z pięcioma sypialniami i czterema łazienkami. Mają troje dzieci, więc na pewno będą potrzebowali przestrzeni. Do tego dom ma kryty basen i pokój do gry w squasha. Dzieci na pewno będą się z tego cieszyły.

Present continuous
I am deciding We are deciding
You are deciding You are deciding
He/She/It is deciding They are deciding

The doctors are deciding whether to consider the recent outbreaks an epidemic or not. Several cases of Zika virus have been recorded in the past week, in an area where the Zika virus had not been previously found. Experts suspect that the virus has adapted to local conditions and will now spread across the United States.

Lekarze zastanawiają się czy uznać ostatnie przypadki zarażeń za epidemię czy nie. Odnotowano kilka przypadków zarażenia wirusem Zika w zeszłym tygodniu, w obszarze w którym wcześniej nie odnotowano żadnych zarażeń. Eksperci podejrzewają, że wirus zaadaptował się do lokalnych warunków i rozprzestrzeni się teraz na terenie Stanów Zjednoczonych.

Present perfect
I have decided We have decided
You have decided You have decided
He/She/It has decided They have decided

We have decided to move out of the city. We're sick of city life, the hustle and bustle of it, we want to get a small cottage in the mountains, where we can breathe fresh air and spend time outdoors. I'm sure it'll be good for us. Anyway, we can always move back to the city if we start missing it.

Zdecydowaliśmy wyprowadzić się z miasta. Mamy dość miejskiego życia, tego całego zgiełku, chcemy kupić małą chatkę w górach, gdzie będziemy mogli oddychać świeżym powietrzem i spędzać czas na zewnątrz. Jestem pewien/pewna, że to dobrze nam zrobi. Zresztą, zawsze możemy wrócić z powrotem do miasta, jeśli zaczniemy za nim tęsknić.

I have decided to stop smoking. It's really not good for you. Just think about all the chemicals you're inhaling with the smoke. You're killing yourself for no reason. Lung cancer is a very serious and deadly disease. It's quite difficult to treat and by the time you find out that you have it, it's usually too late. Our neighbor died of lung cancer last year and the last months of his life were awful. He was in and out of the hospital all the time and he looked like a ghost.

Zdecydowałem/Zdecydowałam się rzucić palenie. To nie jest dla ciebie dobre. Tylko pomyśl o wszystkich chemikaliach, które wdychasz razem z dymem. Zabijasz się bez powodu. Rak płuc jest bardzo poważną i śmiertelną chorobą. Ciężko jest go leczyć i zanim dowiesz się, że go masz, zazwyczaj jest już za późno. Nasz sąsiad umarł na raka płuc w zeszłym roku i ostatnie miesiące jego życia były okropne. Ciągle trafiał do szpitala i wyglądał jak duch.

Present perfect continuous
I have been deciding We have been deciding
You have been deciding You have been deciding
He/She/It has been deciding They have been deciding

She has been deciding what to do for the past half an hour.

Decydowała co zrobić przez ostatnie pół godziny.

Past simple
I decided We decided
You decided You decided
He/She/It decided They decided

They decided to fire the sales director. During his interview he promised to bring spectacular results within the first six months. He failed to do so, but upper management didn't fire him just then, they waited for another six months to see if he could achieve at least part of his goals. That turned out to be a mistake too. Sales not only didn't rise, but in fact they plummeted.

Zdecydowali się zwolnić dyrektora sprzedaży. Podczas swojej rozmowy o pracę, obiecywał przynieść firmie spektakularne rezultaty podczas pierwszych sześciu miesięcy. Nie udało mu się, ale zarząd go wtedy nie zwolnił, poczekali kolejne sześć miesięcy, żeby zobaczyć czy uda mu się osiągnąć chociaż część zamierzonych celów. To również okazało się błędem. Sprzedaż nie tylko nie wzrosła, a jeszcze znacznie spadła.

Past continuous
I was deciding We were deciding
You were deciding You were deciding
He/She/It was deciding They were deciding

They were deciding on their wedding venue when they found out the bride's father had had a heart attack. They rushed to the hospital immediately and on the way there, they decided they would elope instead of plan an elaborate wedding. It just made more sense money-wise.

Decydowali o miejscu w którym urządzą wesele, kiedy dowiedzieli się, że ojciec panny młodej miał atak serca. Natychmiast przyjechali do szpitala i po drodze zdecydowali, że po prostu uciekną i wezmą ślub zamiast wymyślać szczegółowy plan wesela. Miało to więcej sensu jeśli chodzi o finanse.

Past perfect
I had decided We had decided
You had decided You had decided
He/She/It had decided They had decided

I had already decided that I wouldn't be going to college, when I got an acceptance letter from Yale University. I had indeed applied there but it was more of a joke. My grades were nowhere near perfect, neither were my SAT scores. The video that I sent over explaining why I would like to be accepted to Yale, or rather why I should be accepted to Yale wasn't anything special either. I have no idea why I got in, but in all honesty, I'm not even going to ask. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Już zdecydowałem/zdecydowałam, że nie idę na studia, kiedy dostałem/dostałam list akceptacyjny z Yale University. Rzeczywiście złożyłem/złożyłam tam dokumenty, ale bardziej dla żartu. Moje oceny pozostawiały wiele do życzenia, tak samo jak moje wyniki SAT-ów. Film, w którym wyjaśniam dlaczego chciałbym/chciałabym, a raczej powinienem/powinnam zostać przyjęty/przyjęta, który do nich wysłałem/wysłałam też wcale nie był jakiś wyjątkowy. Nie mam pojęcia czemu się dostałem/dostałam, ale szczerze, nie będę nawet pytać. To jedyna szansa w życiu.

Past perfect continuous
I had been deciding We had been deciding
You had been deciding You had been deciding
He/She/It had been deciding They had been deciding

They had been deciding on the material for the curtains for a while when they found out that the owner of the house wouldn't allow them to install any curtains.

Już przez jakiś czas zastanawiali się nad materiałem na zasłony kiedy dowiedzieli się, że właściciel domu nie pozwoli im założyć zasłon.

Future simple
I will decide We will decide
You will decide You will decide
He/She/It will decide They will decide

Let's see what happens first, how the market reacts and then based on that we will decide what to do next.

Zobaczmy co stanie się najpierw, jak zareaguje rynek i na tej podstawie zdecydujemy co zrobimy później.

Future continuous
I will be deciding We will be deciding
You will be deciding You will be deciding
He/She/It will be deciding They will be deciding

This week our boss will be deciding who will get the promotion. There's rumors that Cindy from HR might get it, but I find that hard to believe. She's new here and if I'm to be honest, she hasn't done anything spectacular. I think Rob from marketing has been doing a hell of a job, thanks to him the turnover has doubled in just the past 6 months.

W tym tygodniu nasz szef będzie decydował kto dostanie awans. Krążą plotki, że Cindy z HR-u może go dostać, ale jakoś ciężko mi w to uwierzyć. Jest tu nowa i jeśli mam być szczery/szczera, nie zrobiła nic spektakularnego. Uważam, że Rob z marketingu robi świetną robotę, dzięki niemu obrót zwiększył się dwukrotnie przez ostatnie 6 miesięcy.

Future perfect
I will have decided We will have decided
You will have decided You will have decided
He/She/It will have decided They will have decided

By next week we will have decided whether we're selling our house or not. It's been sitting on the market for over a year now and that's not an ideal situation. We've had offers come in, but with each month they got lower and lower. Now we're thinking that maybe we shouldn't be selling the house in this economy. We'll take if off the market now, wait till the prices stabilize again and then make a second attempt at selling it.

Do następnego tygodnia zdecydujemy czy sprzedajemy dom czy nie. Jest wystawiony od ponad roku i to nie jest idealna sytuacja. Dostawaliśmy oferty, ale z każda kolejną cena była mniejsza. Teraz myślimy, że może nie powinniśmy sprzedawać domu przy obecnym stanie gospodarki. Wycofamy go z rynku, poczekamy aż ceny się ustabilizują i spróbujemy go sprzedać drugi raz.

Future perfect continuous
I will have been deciding We will have been deciding
You will have been deciding You will have been deciding
He/She/It will have been deciding They will have been deciding

We will have been deciding which wedding dress to buy for over 3 months by the end of next week. If we don't choose something soon, the bride might have to walk down the aisle in just underwear!

Za tydzień będzie już ponad trzy miesiące odkąd decydujemy którą sukienkę kupić. Jeśli nie wybierzemy czegoś niedługo, panna młoda będzie musiała pójść do ołtarza w samej bieliźnie!

Conditional tenses


Present conditional: affirmative
I would decide We would decide
You would decide You would decide
He/She/It would decide They would decide

If I were you I would decide right now what to do with these books. You can't keep all of them, you don't have enough room in your apartment, but some of these are quite valuable and you shouldn't throw them away.

Na twoim miejscu zdecydowałbym/zdecydowałabym teraz co zrobić z tymi książkami. Nie możesz zatrzymać wszystkich, nie masz wystarczająco miejsca w swoim mieszkaniu, ale niektóre z nich są dla ciebie cenne i nie powinieneś/powinnaś ich wyrzucać.

Present conditional: negative
I would not decide We would not decide
You would not decide You would not decide
He/She/It would not decide They would not decide

He told me he would not decide on anything without me. He values my opinion and wants to make sure that I agree with his course of action.

Powiedział mi, że nie będzie o niczym decydował beze mnie. Ceni moją opinię i chce upewnić się, że zgadzam się z jego sposobem postępowania.

Present conditional: interrogative
I Would I decide…? We Would we decide…?
You Would you decide…? You Would you decide…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it decide…? They Would they decide…?

Would they decide to change jobs if they found out that their boss was going to pay them less next month?

Czy zdecydowaliby zmienić pracę gdyby dowiedzieli się, że ich szef będzie im płacił mniej w następnym miesiącu?

Present continuous conditional: affirmative
I would be deciding We would be deciding
You would be deciding You would be deciding
He/She/It would be deciding They would be deciding

I was told we would be deciding which English school to choose this week. We're currently looking for a school that will be able to provide classes for all of our workers, all 500 of them. It's no easy task.

Powiedziano mi, że w tym tygodniu będą decydować, którą szkołę angielskiego wybrać. Obecnie szukamy szkoły, do której będą mogli uczęszczać nasi pracownicy, w sumie 500 osób. To niełatwe zadanie.

Present continuous conditional: negative
I would not be deciding We would not be deciding
You would not be deciding You would not be deciding
He/She/It would not be deciding They would not be deciding

They would not be deciding where to bury him right now if he hadn't gotten that motorcycle.

Nie podejmowaliby decyzji gdzie go pochować, gdyby nie kupił sobie tego motocykla.

Present continuous conditional: interrogative
I Would I be deciding…? We Would we be deciding…?
You Would you be deciding…? You Would you be deciding…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it be deciding…? They Would they be deciding…?

Would I be deciding whether to be with her or not right now if I were truly in love with her?

Czy decydowałbym teraz czy z nią być czy nie, gdybym naprawdę ją kochał?

Perfect conditional: affirmative
I would have decided We would have decided
You would have decided You would have decided
He/She/It would have decided They would have decided

We would have decided to go to Nantucket after all if we had known you were going to have to work all week and wouldn't have time for us at all.

Zdecydowalibyśmy się pojechać do Nantucket gdybyśmy wiedzieli, że będziesz cały tydzień pracował/pracowała cały tydzień i nie będziesz miał/miała dla nas czasu.

Perfect conditional: negative
I would not have decided We would not have decided
You would not have decided You would not have decided
He/She/It would not have decided They would not have decided

They would not have decided to have a child had they known how much money it would cost to feed and clothe a baby. They don't earn a lot of money, they were already struggling even before the baby, but they thought that even with the baby they would be able to make ends meet. They were very wrong.

Nie zdecydowaliby się mieć dziecka gdyby wiedzieli ile to kosztuje, żeby nakarmić i ubrać dziecko. Nie zarabiają dużo, nawet przed narodzinami dziecka było im ciężko, ale myśleli, że nawet z dzieckiem dadzą radę związać koniec z końcem. Bardzo się mylili.

Perfect conditional: interrogative
I Would I have decided…? We Would we have decided…?
You Would you have decided…? You Would you have decided…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it have decided…? They Would they have decided…?

Would she have decided to go to university if she had known that she would be paying off her student loans for the next ten years? I doubt it. Nowadays, many young people choose not to go to university because of the high costs. They prefer to start working early on and gather capital instead of getting into debt.

Czy zdecydowałaby się pójść na studia gdyby wiedziała, że będzie spłacała swoją pożyczkę przez następne 10 lat? Wątpię. Obecnie, wielu młodych ludzi decyduje się nie iść na studia ze względu na wysokie koszta. Wolą zacząć wcześnie pracować i zdobywać pieniądze zamiast robić sobie długi.

Perfect continuous conditional: affirmative
I would have been deciding We would have been deciding
You would have been deciding You would have been deciding
He/She/It would have been deciding They would have been deciding

They would have been deciding which crib to choose for their baby had they not lost the child.

Decydowaliby jakie łóżeczko wybrać dla dziecka gdyby go nie stracili.

Perfect continuous conditional: negative
I would not have been deciding We would not have been deciding
You would not have been deciding You would not have been deciding
He/She/It would not have been deciding They would not have been deciding

They would not have been deciding whether to buy a new car or not for so long if they had known that the car they wanted had already been sold.

Nie decydowaliby tak długo czy chcą kupić nowy samochód gdyby wiedzieli, że samochód, który chcieli kupić został już sprzedany.

Perfect continuous conditional: interrogative
I Would I have been deciding…? We Would we have been deciding…?
You Would you have been deciding…? You Would you have been deciding…?
He/She/It Would he/she/it have been deciding…? They Would they have been deciding…?

Would I have been deciding which car to choose for so many years had I known I couldn't afford a car at all?

Czy decydowałbym/decydowałabym przez tyle lat który samochód wybrać przez gdybym wiedział/wiedziała, że nie w ogóle mnie na niego nie stać?

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