/kʌm/ |
verb (czasownik) |
infinitive |
to come |
past tense |
came |
past participle |
come |
imperative |
come |
present participle |
appearing |
- podchodzić, zbliżać sie
- przychodzić, iść
- pochodzić z
- przytrafiać się
Przykładowe użycie słowa come
What did you come up with?
Co wymyśliłeś/wymyśliłaś?
I hope that you change your mind and come to the party after all. We're going to have a great time!
Mam nadzieję, że zmienisz zdanie i przyjdziesz na imprezę. Będziemy się świetnie bawić!
Emma asked her coworker to come with her to the meeting, but he refused.
Emma poprosiła swojego współpracownika, żeby poszedł z nią na spotkanie, ale odmówił.
Do you know that she comes from a small, African country? Apparently, it's a very poor country and most people eat only one time a day, if at all. There are no large shopping centers, just small stores here and there. You can't buy any designer clothes there, not that anyone would have the money for it anyway. Most people can barely afford food. She came to the United States a couple of years ago on a student visa, which expired last week. Now, she doesn't know what to do, she'd like to stay here and try to get a Green Card, but she doesn't know how to go about it all.
Wiesz, że ona pochodzi z małego, afrykańskiego państwa? Podobno, to bardzo biedny kraj i większość ludzi je raz dziennie, jeśli w ogóle. Nie ma żadnych wielkich centrów handlowych, tylko małe sklepiki tu i tam. Nie możesz tam kupić ubrań od projektantów, nie żeby ktoś miał na to pieniądze. Większość ludzi nie stać nawet na jedzenie. Ona przyjechała do Stanów, kilka lat temu na wizie studenckiej, której ważność wygasła tydzień temu. Teraz nie wie co robić, chciałaby tu zostać i spróbować dostać Zieloną Kartę, ale nie ma pojęcia jak to zrobić.
Idiomy ze słowem come
All good things come to an end.
Wszystko co dobre, szybko się kończy.
My father recently came into some money.
Ostatnio mój ojciec odziedziczył trochę pieniędzy.
She hasn't come to terms with his death yet.
Jeszcze nie pogodziła się z jego śmiercią.
There might be some money coming my way quite soon.
Całkiem niedługo dostanę trochę pieniędzy.
The law came into effect just yesterday.
Prawo weszło w życie od wczoraj.
It will all come out in the wash.
Wszystko w końcu się wyda.
You've come a long way. I'm really proud of you.
Daleko zaszedłeś/zaszłaś. Jestem z ciebie bardzo dumny/dumna.
They were trying to find some money to buy that house but they came up dry.
Próbowali znaleźć pieniądze, żeby kupić ten dom, ale bezskutecznie.
Odmiana słowa come
Present simple
I |
come |
We |
come |
You |
come |
You |
come |
He/She/It |
comes |
They |
come |
Do you think she's going to come to Adam's birthday party?
Myślisz, że ona przyjdzie na urodziny Adama?
I didn't come here to argue with you. Lower your voice and just talk to me. Tell me what's really the matter, what's really on your mind.
Nie przyszedłem/przyszłam tutaj, żeby się z tobą kłócić. Nie krzycz i po prostu ze mną porozmawiaj. Powiedz mi co się dzieje, co tak naprawdę chodzi ci po głowie.
Whenever she comes over to my house, something weird happens.
Kiedy tylko ona przychodzi do mojego domu, dzieje się coś dziwnego.
Come over to my place after work. We'll make something to eat, have a drink or two. You'll see, you'll have a good time, I promise.
Przyjdź do mnie po pracy. Zrobimy coś do jedzenia, wypijemy drinka albo dwa. Zobaczysz, będziesz dobrze się bawić, obiecuję.
I really don't care whether she wants to come to her grandmother's birthday or not. She has to be there and that's that.
Naprawdę nie obchodzi mnie czy ona chce przyjść na urodziny babci czy nie. Ma tam być i tyle.
Present continuous
I |
am coming |
We |
are coming |
You |
are coming |
You |
are coming |
He/She/It |
is coming |
They |
are coming |
Hold your horses, I'm coming!
Wstrzymajcie się, idę!
Are you coming or not? I'm not going to wait for you much longer.
Przychodzisz czy nie? Nie będę na ciebie dłużej czekać.
Why is she coming with us? We didn't invite her.
Czemu ona idzie z nami? Nie zaprosiliśmy jej.
I'm coming with you whether you like it or not. You're only 14 years old, you can't go to Africa on your own! That's just ludicrous!
Jadę z tobą, czy ci się to podoba, czy nie. Masz 14 lat, nie możesz sam/sama jechać do Afryki. To absurdalne!
Present perfect
I |
have come |
We |
have come |
You |
have come |
You |
have come |
He/She/It |
has come |
They |
have come |
I've come here to tell you that I'll no longer be attending this class.
Przyjechałem/Przyjechałam tu, żeby powiedzieć ci, że nie będę już uczęszczać na te zajęcia.
They have come to collect their things. They're moving out.
Przyjechali zabrać swoje rzeczy. Wyprowadzają się.
Present perfect continuous
I |
have been coming |
We |
have been coming |
You |
have been coming |
You |
have been coming |
He/She/It |
has been coming |
They |
have been coming |
We've been coming here since we were little kids. I can't believe they're going to tear this place down soon.
Przychodzimy tu odkąd byliśmy dziećmi. Nie wierzę, że niedługo będą burzyć to miejsce.
How long have you been coming here?
Od jak dawna tu przychodzisz?
Past simple
I |
came |
We |
came |
You |
came |
You |
came |
He/She/It |
came |
They |
came |
He came to the party just because I asked him to, he didn't want to come. Maybe that was a mistake, I shouldn't have asked him to come.
Przyszedł na imprezę, bo go o to poprosiłem/poprosiłam, nie chciał przychodzić. Może to był błąd, nie powinienem był/powinnam była prosić go, żeby przychodził.
When we first came to this town, we fell in love with the people and the overall atmosphere. That's when we knew we'd one day move here.
Kiedy pierwszy raz przyjechaliśmy do tego miasta, zakochaliśmy się w ludziach i tutejszej atmosferze. Wtedy już wiedzieliśmy, że pewnego dnia się tu przeprowadzimy.
Past continuous
I |
was coming |
We |
were coming |
You |
were coming |
You |
were coming |
He/She/It |
was coming |
They |
were coming |
I thought they were coming with us to Rome. But they're not, are they?
Myślałem/Myślałam, że jadą z nami do Rzymu. Ale nie jadą, prawda?
She was coming out of the bathroom when she slipped and broke her leg. It's going to take her at least a couple of months to fully recover.
Wychodziła z łazienki, kiedy się poślizgnęła i złamała nogę. Zajmie jej to kilka miesięcy, żeby do końca wyzdrowieć.
Past perfect
I |
had come |
We |
had come |
You |
had come |
You |
had come |
He/She/It |
had come |
They |
had come |
In that moment it felt like the whole world had come to a standstill. I saw everything in slow motion and I knew I was just seconds away from never walking again.
W tamtym momencie czułem/czułam, że cały świat się zatrzymał. Zobaczyłem/Zobaczyłam wszystko w zwolnionym tempie i wiedziałem/wiedziałam, że od tego, że nie będę już nigdy chodzić, dzielą mnie sekundy.
Had I known they had already come, I would've hurried up. I didn't mean to keep them waiting for so long.
Gdybym wiedział/wiedziała, że już przyszli, pospieszyłbym/pospieszyłabym się. Nie chciałam, żeby na mnie czekali.
Past perfect continuous
I |
had been coming |
We |
had been coming |
You |
had been coming |
You |
had been coming |
He/She/It |
had been coming |
They |
had been coming |
They had been coming here way before you were born.
Przychodzili tu jeszcze zanim się urodziłeś/urodziłaś.
Future simple
I |
will come |
We |
will come |
You |
will come |
You |
will come |
He/She/It |
will come |
They |
will come |
Will you come with me to the doctor's? I need some blood drawn and I'm a bit squeamish about needles.
Czy poszedłbyś/poszłabyś ze mną do lekarza? Potrzebuję pobrać krew, a mdli mnie na widok igieł.
I think I will come to the opening. I like getting to know new artists and their work.
Chyba przyjdę na otwarcie. Lubię poznawać nowych artystów i ich prace.
Future continuous
I |
will be coming |
We |
will be coming |
You |
will be coming |
You |
will be coming |
He/She/It |
will be coming |
They |
will be coming |
They will not be coming to your party on Saturday. They said they have better things to do. Did you guys have a fight or something?
Nie przyjdą na twoją imprezę w sobotę. Powiedzieli, że mają lepsze rzeczy do roboty. Pokłóciliście się czy coś?
Will you be coming with me to the wedding?
Czy pójdziesz ze mną na wesele?
Future perfect
I |
will have come |
We |
will have come |
You |
will have come |
You |
will have come |
He/She/It |
will have come |
They |
will have come |
Everything will have come to an end by next week.
Wszystko się skończy do następnego tygodnia.
The package will have come by next week. I'm sure of it.
Paczka przyjdzie do końca tygodnia. Jestem pewien/pewna.
Future perfect continuous
I |
will have been coming |
We |
will have been coming |
You |
will have been coming |
You |
will have been coming |
He/She/It |
will have been coming |
They |
will have been coming |
By next year, we will have been coming here for over a decade.
Za rok będzie ponad 10 lat jak tu przychodzimy.
Conditional tenses
Present conditional: affirmative
I |
would come |
We |
would come |
You |
would come |
You |
would come |
He/She/It |
would come |
They |
would come |
He promised he would come over after work. It's already nine o'clock and he's still not here. I hate when people don't keep their promises.
Obiecał, że przyjdzie po pracy. Jest już dziewiąta i nadal go nie ma. Nienawidzę, kiedy ludzie nie potrafią dotrzymać słowa.
We all thought that they would come to the party, but apparently we were all wrong.
Wszyscy myśleliśmy, że przyjdą na imprezę, ale jak widać się myliliśmy.
Present conditional: negative
I |
would not come |
We |
would not come |
You |
would not come |
You |
would not come |
He/She/It |
would not come |
They |
would not come |
Adam told me he would not come with me to New York. He said he just didn't have the money.
Adam powiedział, że nie pojedzie ze mną do Nowego Jorku. Powiedział, że po prostu nie ma pieniędzy.
Present conditional: interrogative
I |
Would I come…? |
We |
Would we come…? |
You |
Would you come…? |
You |
Would you come…? |
He/She/It |
Would he/she/it come…? |
They |
Would they come…? |
Would she be coming with us if she wasn't so lonely?
Czy jechałaby z nami gdyby nie była taka samotna?
Present continuous conditional: affirmative
I |
would be coming |
We |
would be coming |
You |
would be coming |
You |
would be coming |
He/She/It |
would be coming |
They |
would be coming |
I was told I would be coming with you to Canada and now you're telling me you're going alone? That's just not right.
Powiedziano mi, że jadę z tobą do Kanady, a teraz mówisz mi, że jedziesz sam/sama? To nie w porządku.
If they decide to come, they would be coming only for the wedding. They can take only a few days off of work, so they can't stay for all the festivities. It's a shame really, I was hoping we'd spend some time together. We've barely seen each other ever since they moved to Los Angeles, it's not like New York is a stone's throw away.
Jeśli zdecydują się przyjechać, przyjadą tylko na wesele. Mogą wziąć tylko kilka dni wolnego, więc nie mogą zostać na wszystkie uroczystości. Szkoda, miałem/miałam nadzieję, że spędzimy razem trochę czasu razem. Odkąd przeprowadzili się do Los Angeles, rzadko się widzimy i wcale nie mają blisko do Nowego Jorku.
Present continuous negative: affirmative
I |
would not be coming |
We |
would not be coming |
You |
would not be coming |
You |
would not be coming |
He/She/It |
would not be coming |
They |
would not be coming |
They would not be coming here if they didn't enjoy Greek food. After all, it is a Greek restaurant.
Nie przychodziliby tu, gdyby nie smakowało im greckie jedzenie.
He told me he would not be coming to my wedding.
Powiedział mi, że nie przyjdzie na moje wesele.
Present continuous negative: interrogative
I |
Would I be coming…? |
We |
Would we be coming…? |
You |
Would you be coming…? |
You |
Would you be coming…? |
He/She/It |
Would he/she/it be coming…? |
They |
Would they be coming…? |
Would I be coming here if I didn't like you? I think not.
Czy przychodziłbym/przychodziłabym tu, gdybym cię nie lubił/lubiła? Nie sądze.
Perfect conditional: affirmative
I |
would have come |
We |
would have come |
You |
would have come |
You |
would have come |
He/She/It |
would have come |
They |
would have come |
I would have come here if he had asked me to.
Przyszedłbym/Przyszłabym tu gdybyś mnie o to poprosił/poprosiła.
If only we had known that you were sick, we would have come visit you at the hospital.
Gdybyśmy tylko wiedzieli, że jesteś chory/chora, odwiedzilibyśmy cię w szpitalu.
Perfect conditional: negative
I |
would not have come |
We |
would not have come |
You |
would not have come |
You |
would not have come |
He/She/It |
would not have come |
They |
would not have come |
I would not have come here if you hadn't asked me to.
Nie przyszedłbym/przyszłabym tu, gdybyś mnie o to nie poprosił.
Perfect conditional: interrogative
I |
Would I have come…? |
We |
Would we have come…? |
You |
Would you have come…? |
You |
Would you have come…? |
He/She/It |
Would he/she/it have come…? |
They |
Would they have come…? |
Would you have come to the party if you had known your ex boyfriend would be there?
Czy przyszłabyś na imprezę gdybyś wiedziała, że będzie tam twój były?
Would they have come with me if they had known they would have to sleep on the floor?
Czy przyszliby ze mną gdyby wiedzieli, że będą musieli spać na podłodze?
Perfect continuous conditional: affirmative
I |
would have been coming |
We |
would have been coming |
You |
would have been coming |
You |
would have been coming |
He/She/It |
would have been coming |
They |
would have been coming |
A decade ago, most people would have been coming with us to the party. Now, everyone's too busy with their own lives.
Dziesięć lat temu, większość poszłaby z nami na imprezę. Teraz wszyscy są zbyt zajęci swoim życiem.
If they hadn't had an accident, they would have been coming back from their trip right now.
Gdyby nie mieli wypadku, wracaliby teraz z wycieczki.
Perfect continuous conditional: negative
I |
would not have been coming |
We |
would not have been coming |
You |
would not have been coming |
You |
would not have been coming |
He/She/It |
would not have been coming |
They |
would not have been coming |
They would not have been coming here for so many years if they didn't like the food.
Nie przychodziliby tu przez tyle lat, gdyby nie smakowało im jedzenie.
Perfect continuous conditional: interrogative
I |
Would I have been coming…? |
We |
Would we have been coming…? |
You |
Would you have been coming…? |
You |
Would you have been coming…? |
He/She/It |
Would he/she/it have been coming…? |
They |
Would they have been coming…? |
Would he have been coming here for so many years if he didn't like it?
Czy przychodziłby tu przez tyle lat, gdyby mu się tu nie podobało?
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