Basic minerals for health: basic guide in English
Our body needs many different minerals to stay healthy. Minerals are like tiny helpers that keep our body working properly. Let’s talk about some important minerals, what they do, and where to find them.

Calcium: for strong bones
What it does
Calcium makes our bones and teeth strong. It also helps our muscles and heart work right.
Where to find it
Eat dairy products like milk and cheese, green vegetables like broccoli, and foods with added calcium like some orange juices.

Magnesium: keeps the body relaxed
What it does
Magnesium helps our body make energy. It keeps our muscles and nerves working smoothly and keeps our heart beating steadily.
Where to find it
Green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains are good sources.

Potassium: balances water
What it does
Potassium keeps the right amount of water inside and outside of our cells. It helps our heart stay healthy and our muscles to move.
Where to find it
Bananas, oranges, potatoes, and tomatoes are rich in potassium.

Iron: carries oxygen
What it does
Iron is part of our red blood cells, which carry oxygen around our body. It helps us have energy and a strong body.
Where to find it
Eat meats, fish, beans, and spinach to get iron.

Zinc: fights off sickness
What it does
Zinc helps our body fight off colds and helps wounds heal. It’s important for our senses of taste and smell.
Where to find it
Meat, shellfish, nuts, and dairy products have zinc.

More helpful minerals
phosphorus: helps make our bones and gives us energy. It’s in meat, fish, and dairy
selenium: protects our cells from damage. Seafood, meat, and nuts are good sources
copper: helps our body use iron and keeps our nerves healthy. Find it in nuts and whole grains
iodine: needed for our thyroid, which controls how we grow and use energy. Fish and dairy are good, and so is iodized salt
As you learn about the essential minerals for your health, also explore our article on medical phrasal verbs to help you communicate more effectively about health topics.