Crack Open These Nutty Expressions: 9 Nut Idioms
Have you ever been “nuts about” something or felt like someone was “driving you nuts”? Nuts aren’t just tasty treats—they’ve also found their way into many fun English expressions! Take a look at these “nutty” idioms, and let’s crack them open.
Nuts and bolts
The basic, practical details of how something works or is done.
Go nuts
To become very excited or angry.
Hard nut to crack
A difficult problem to solve or a person who is tough to deal with.
In a nutshell
To say something briefly, to say it in as few words as possible.
As nutty as a fruitcake
Someone who is very strange or crazy.
Drive someone nuts
To annoy or irritate someone a lot.
Off one’s nut
To behave in a very strange or crazy way.
From soup to nuts
From the beginning to the end of something, covering everything.
For peanuts
For a very small amount of money or for a very low price.
Interested in idioms? After nut idioms, explore bean idioms!