20 blue idioms
Color idioms are common in English and can describe a variety of situations, feelings, and ideas. The color blue is often thought to be connected with emotions like sadness and surprise, as well as calmness and stability. This article explores 20 useful idioms related to the color blue, with explanations and examples for each.
Once in a blue moon
Very rarely.
Feeling blue
To feel sad or down.
Out of the blue
When something happens unexpectedly or suddenly.
Blue-collar job
A job that involves manual labor or skilled work.
Into the blue
Into the unknown or a new experience.
True blue
Loyal and trustworthy.
Blue chip
A valuable or high-quality investment.
Between the devil and the deep blue sea
In a difficult situation with no easy way out.
Blue blood
Someone of noble or aristocratic birth.
Blue moon
A rare event.
Like a bolt from the blue
Completely unexpected or surprising.
Blue sky thinking
Imaginative or creative thinking.
Blue with cold
Extremely cold.
Go blue
To become cold or hypothermic.
Blue Monday
A Monday that feels depressing or difficult.
A blue streak
A rapid flow of speech.
Singing the blues
To complain or express sadness.
Blue screen
A computer error or crash.
Blue in the face
To repeat something excessively, often without success.
A blue ribbon
An award or recognition of excellence.
Did you enjoy exploring blue idioms? Don’t forget to check out our green idioms too!