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hand idioms

20 Hand Idioms

20 hand idioms

Hand idioms are common in English and can describe different situations and behaviors. From offering help to taking control, these idioms cover a wide range of topics, helping you sound more natural in your conversations. Here’s 20 useful hand idioms, with explanations and examples for each.

Lend a hand

To offer help or assistance.

Can you lend a hand with the groceries?
Thanks for lending a hand; we finished the project on time.

In good hands

To be safe or well taken care of.

Don’t worry, your car is in good hands with this mechanic.
I feel in good hands with my doctor; she’s very experienced.

Hands down

Without a doubt, or easily.

This is hands down the best cake I’ve ever tasted.
She won the game hands down, without breaking a sweat.

A hand-me-down

Something, usually clothes, given from one person to another.

I used to wear hand-me-downs from my older brother.
That jacket is a hand-me-down from my cousin.

Wash one’s hands of something

To decide to stop being involved with something.

After the argument, he washed his hands of the project.
She washed her hands of the matter, leaving it to her colleagues.

Hand in hand

Something that happens together or side by side.

Success and hard work go hand in hand.
They walked hand in hand down the street.

To be caught red-handed

To be caught doing something wrong.

She was caught red-handed stealing cookies from the jar.
The student was caught red-handed cheating on the test.

A show of hands

Voting or showing that we agree by raising hands.

Let’s take a show of hands to decide where to eat.
The class took a show of hands to choose the field trip destination.

To have one’s hands full

To be very busy.

I have my hands full with work and family.
She had her hands full taking care of three children.

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Hand it to someone

To give credit to someone for doing something, to say that someone did a good job.

I have to hand it to you, that was a great presentation.
Hand it to him, he really knows how to solve problems.


To go through something by ourselves or hear something directly from a person.

I saw the concert first-hand and it was amazing.
She had first-hand experience of the company’s operations.

Get out of hand

To get out of control.

The situation got out of hand quickly.
The meeting got out of hand, turning into an argument.

To have a hand in something

To be involved in something.

She had a hand in planning the event.
He had a hand in creating the new software.

Take it off one’s hands

To take over a task from someone else.

I’ll take the project off your hands so you can rest.
She took the cooking off my hands, letting me relax.

Take matters into one’s own hands

To take care of a problem by yourself.

She took matters into her own hands and fixed the leaking faucet.
He decided to take matters into his own hands and manage the project himself.

To have something at hand

To have something available or nearby.

I keep my notes at hand during meetings.
He had his tools at hand for the repair.

To play into someone’s hands

To do something that is good for someone else, often by accident.

By agreeing to the deal, he played into the competitor’s hands.
The mistake played into her hands, giving her an advantage.

To handpick

To select something or someone carefully, by ourselves.

She handpicked the best candidates for the job.
He handpicked each flower for the bouquet.

Give a hand

To applaud or clap for someone.

Let’s give her a hand for her performance!
They gave him a hand for his inspiring speech.
SECOND MEANING: to help someone
Can you give me a hand with these boxes?
She gave him a hand with his homework.

To have the upper hand

To have an advantage or be in a better position.

He had the upper hand in the game, leading by many points.
The new strategy gave her the upper hand at work.

Did you find the hand idioms interesting? Make sure to also explore our article on health and body idioms!

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