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body idioms

15 Body Idioms

15 body idioms

Here are 15 idioms that use body parts to describe everyday situations. For example, “to keep your chin up” means to stay positive, not just to lift your chin! By understanding these idioms, you’ll be able to speak and understand English more naturally. Let’s dive in and explore these idioms together!

Get something off one’s chest

To share thoughts or feelings that have been bothering you.

After keeping it a secret for years, she finally got her guilt off her chest by confessing to her friend.
I needed to get my worries off my chest, so I talked to my sister.

Put one’s foot down

To firmly say no or insist on a particular action.

After years of being taken advantage of, she finally put her foot down and demanded respect in her relationship.
He put his foot down when his roommate asked for rent money again.

Keep one’s chin up

To stay positive even when things are difficult.

I know you’re going through a tough time, but keep your chin up; things will get better.
Even after losing his job, he kept his chin up, looking for new opportunities.

Pull someone’s leg

To tease or joke in a playful way.

He was just pulling your leg when he said he won the lottery.
Don’t believe her; she’s just pulling your leg about moving to Paris.

Head over heels

To be very excited about something or someone.

She’s head over heels in love with her new puppy.
He’s head over heels about his new job, talking about it nonstop.

Cost an arm and a leg

To be very expensive.

The designer dress cost an arm and a leg, but she had to have it for the party.
The car repair cost an arm and a leg, draining my savings.

Keep one’s fingers crossed

To hope for good luck or success.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I pass the exam.
Keep your fingers crossed that the weather stays sunny for our trip.

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Heart of gold

Someone who is very kind and generous.

Despite his gruff exterior, he has a heart of gold and is always willing to help others.
She’s got a heart of gold, always putting others before herself.

Get cold feet

To suddenly feel nervous about something.

She got cold feet about skydiving once she reached the airfield.
He got cold feet at the last minute before his job interview.

On the tip of one’s tongue

When you almost remember something but not quite.

The actor’s name was on the tip of my tongue, but I just couldn’t remember it.
I know that word; it’s on the tip of my tongue!

Kick the bucket

To die.

He always said he wanted to travel the world before he kicked the bucket.
My grandfather kicked the bucket last year at the age of 90.

Keep one’s nose to the grindstone

To work hard and steadily.

She kept her nose to the grindstone and eventually earned her degree.
Keep your nose to the grindstone and you’ll finish the project in no time.

Hit the nail on the head

To describe exactly what the problem is.

She hit the nail on the head when she said we need to communicate better as a team.
He hit the nail on the head when he said our main issue is lack of time management.

See eye to eye

To agree with someone.

They don’t always see eye to eye on everything, but they respect each other’s opinions.
They saw eye to eye on the plan, moving forward quickly.

To stomach something

To tolerate something unpleasant or difficult.

She couldn’t stomach the idea of eating insects, even though they were considered a delicacy in some countries.
He couldn’t stomach the taste of the medicine, so he asked if there was a different flavor available.

Did you find the body idioms interesting? Don’t forget to check out our hand idioms too!

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