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10 Olympic idioms

10 Olympic Idioms

Have you been watching the Olympic games? Then take a look at these 10 idioms connected with the Olympic games.

Go the distance

To complete something difficult.

She went the distance and finished the marathon.
He trained hard to go the distance in the race.

Bring home the bacon

To achieve success or win.

She worked hard to bring home the bacon in the finals.
The team trained every day to bring home the bacon.

Step up to the plate

To take responsibility or action.

When the team needed a leader, she stepped up to the plate.
He stepped up to the plate and helped win the match.

Hit the ground running

To start something quickly and with enthusiasm.

She hit the ground running on her first day of training.
The new coach hit the ground running with new strategies.

Throw in the towel

To give up.

He refused to throw in the towel despite the injury.
She never throws in the towel, no matter how tough it gets.

Leave no stone unturned

To do everything possible to achieve a goal.

The coach left no stone unturned in preparing for the Olympics.
She left no stone unturned to improve her performance.

Jump the gun

To start too early.

He jumped the gun and was disqualified from the race.
The swimmer jumped the gun and had to start over.

Go for broke

To risk everything to try and win.

She decided to go for broke in her final jump.
He went for broke in the last lap of the race.

On the right track

Doing something correctly or well.

Her coach said she is on the right track with her training.
The team is on the right track to win the championship.

No pain, no gain

You have to work hard to achieve success.

Her trainer reminded her, no pain, no gain, during workouts.
He believes in the saying, no pain, no gain, to stay motivated.

Did you enjoy exploring Olympic idioms? Don’t forget to check out our baseball idioms too!

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